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Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the multicultural teaching scale


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The ongoing conceptual controversy of cultural competence for preservice teachers led to the current study that explored the underlying structure of cultural competence through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis methods. A total of 793 preservice teachers from two large Midwestern universities completed the Multicultural Teaching Scale. Results of EFAs supported a two-factor solution of cultural competence: praxis and knowledge. The final model derived from EFA yielded a 28-item two-factor model that fits the data, where χ 2/df = 2.50, comparative fit index = .91, Tucker-Lewis index = .91, and root mean square error of approximation = .06. The model comparison results suggested that the two-factor model from the current study was the best fit for the data. These findings indicate a more parsimonious model of cultural competence and suggest that the current MTS structure should be revised to more accurately reflect the structure of cultural competence for preservice teachers.
机译:职前教师文化能力概念上的持续争论导致了当前的研究,该研究通过探索性因素分析(EFA)和确认性因素分析方法探索了文化能力的潜在结构。来自中西部两所大型大学的793名职前教师完成了多元文化教学量表。全民教育成果支持文化能力的两要素解决方案:实践和知识。从EFA得出的最终模型产生了一个符合数据的28项两因素模型,其中χ2 / df = 2.50,比较拟合指数= .91,Tucker-Lewis指数= .91,以及均方根近似值= .06。模型比较结果表明,当前研究的两因素模型最适合数据。这些发现表明了一种更简约的文化能力模型,并建议应修改当前的MTS结构,以更准确地反映职前教师的文化能力结构。



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