
Influence of dietary fibre on gluten proteins structure - a study on model flour with application of FT-Raman spectroscopy


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Dietary fibres are regarded as the source of polysaccharides and antioxidants such as polyphenols. However, addition of dietary fibre to bread causes significant reduction in its quality. The bread quality is connected with the structure of gluten proteins. For this reason, Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy was applied to determine changes in structure of gluten proteins modified by seven dietary fibres. The fibres were added to model flour reconstituted with wheat gluten and wheat starch. The model flour was used to provide gluten proteins of definite structure. The obtained results showed that six out of seven fibres caused similar changes in -turn structures. The appearance of the band at 1642cm(-1) and the shift toward lower wavenumbers of the band at 1670cm(-1) in the difference spectra indicated hydrogen bonding of carbonyl groups in -turns leading to protein folding/aggregation. Addition of fibre preparations caused also changes in conformation of disulfide bridges (S-S), corresponding to transformation to trans-gauche-gauche and trans-gauche-trans conformations at the expense of the stable gauche-gauche-gauche conformation. The S-S bonds in less stable conformations were formed inside the protein complex as well as between protein complexes in the form of -structures. Generally, the observed changes in gluten proteins after addition of dietary fibres were results of interactions between fibre polysaccharides and gluten proteins rather than between polyphenols and gluten proteins. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:膳食纤维被认为是多糖和抗氧化剂如多酚的来源。但是,在面包中添加膳食纤维会导致面包质量明显下降。面包的品质与面筋蛋白的结构有关。由于这个原因,傅里叶变换拉曼光谱被用于确定由七种膳食纤维修饰的面筋蛋白的结构变化。将纤维添加到用小麦面筋和小麦淀粉重构的模型面粉中。模型面粉用于提供确定结构的面筋蛋白。获得的结果表明,七分之六的纤维引起了匝间结构的类似变化。在差光谱中,在1642cm(-1)处出现条带,并在1670cm(-1)处向低波数移动,表明羰基的氢键依次变成蛋白质折叠/聚集。纤维制剂的添加还引起二硫键(S-S)构象的变化,对应于转化为反式构象和反式构象,但以稳定的构象为代价。在蛋白质复合物内部以及蛋白质复合物之间以-结构的形式形成不稳定构象的S-S键。通常,在添加膳食纤维后观察到的面筋蛋白变化是纤维多糖和面筋蛋白之间相互作用的结果,而不是多酚和面筋蛋白之间相互作用的结果。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.


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