
Registration of 'Jazzman' Aromatic Long-Grain Rice


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'Jazzman' (Reg. No. CV-134, PI 658006) is the first U. S.-bred jasmine-type, soft-cooking, aromatic, long-grain rice (Oryza sativa L.) with a glabrous leaf, sheath, and hull and no dormancy. It was developed from a single cross by the modified pedigree selection procedure at the Rice Research Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Crowley, LA, and officially released in December 2008. Jazzman was tested under the experimental designation RU0402125 in the Louisiana Commercial Advanced trial at either six or seven locations, as well as in the Uniform Regional Rice Nursery (URRN) in Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, and Texas during 2004-2008. Jazzman is a moderately early maturing and conventional-height cultivar with commercially acceptable grain and milling yields, translucent slender grains, and a strong aroma. In 34 replicated Louisiana statewide and multistate URRN trials, Jazzman had average main-and ratoon-crop yields of 7.8 and 1.5 t ha(-1), respectively. When averaged across years and locations, Jazzman had a head rice yield of 63.6% and a total milled rice yield of 69.6%. Jazzman has the typical jasmine-type cooking quality: a low amylose content, low gelatinization temperature, and an average 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline content of 436 ng g(-1). Under both artificial inoculation and natural infection, Jazzman was found to be moderately susceptible to sheath blight [caused by Thanatephorus cucumeris (A. B. Frank) Donk (anamorph Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)], bacterial panicle blight (caused by Burkholderia glumae), and the physiological disorder straighthead but moderately resistant to blast [caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr (anamorph Pyricularia grisea Sacc.)]. Successful development of Jazzman rice, which is well-adapted to the Gulf-and Mid-South rice-growing regions, should enable the U. S. rice industry to compete with Asian exporters in high-value aromatic-rice niche markets.
机译:'Jazzman'(Reg。No. CV-134,PI 658006)是第一款美国产的茉莉花型,软烹饪,芳香的长粒大米(Oryza sativa L.),其叶片,鞘和壳均无毛而且没有休眠。它是由改良后的系谱选择程序在路易斯安那州克罗利市路易斯安那州立大学农业中心赖斯研究站的单亲杂交开发而成,并于2008年12月正式发布。Jazzman在路易斯安那州商业高级试验中的实验名称为RU0402125。在2004年至2008年期间,在六个或七个地点,以及阿肯色州,路易斯安那州,密苏里州,密西西比州和德克萨斯州的统一区域水稻育苗所(URRN)中。 Jazzman是一种中等早熟和常规高度的品种,具有商业上可接受的谷物和碾米产量,半透明的细长谷物和强烈的香气。在路易斯安那州全州和多州URRN的34个重复试验中,Jazzman的主要和再生作物平均产量分别为7.8和1.5 t ha(-1)。如果按年份和地区平均,Jazzman的大米总产量为63.6%,精米总产量为69.6%。 Jazzman具有典型的茉莉花型烹饪品质:直链淀粉含量低,糊化温度低,2-乙酰基-1-吡咯啉的平均含量为436 ng g(-1)。在人工接种和自然感染下,发现Jazzman对鞘枯萎病[由Thanatephorus cucumeris(AB Frank)Donk(无性变种Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)引起],细菌性穗状枯萎病(由Burkholderia glumae引起)具有中等敏感性。直头,但对爆炸具有中等抵抗力[由Magnaporthe grisea(Hebert)Barr(anamorph Pyricularia grisea Sacc。)造成]。 Jazzman大米的成功开发非常适合海湾和中南部大米的种植地区,这将使美国大米行业在高价值的芳香米饭利基市场上与亚洲出口商竞争。



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