首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical activity & health >Development of the physical activity index as a measure of total activity load and total kilocalorie expenditure during submaximal walking

Development of the physical activity index as a measure of total activity load and total kilocalorie expenditure during submaximal walking


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Background: Pedometers are most accurate at measuring steps, less accurate at estimating distance, and even less accurate at estimating kilocalorie expenditure. The purpose of this investigation was to create a Physical Activity Index (PAI) using pedometer step counts and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to enhance the ability to estimate kilocalorie expenditure during walking exercise. Methods: Thirty-two females performed 3 counterbalanced walking bouts. During each bout, oxygen consumption, RPE, and step counts were measured. The PAI was calculated as the product of RPE and step count for each of the bouts. Results: Concurrent validation of the PAI was established using VO 2 as the criterion variable. A multiple regression analysis revealed a strong, positive relation between PAI score and VO 2 (r = .91). Data were then used to develop a statistical model to estimate kcal expenditure using the PAI score as the predictor variable. Conclusion: The PAI was found to be an accurate method of estimating kcal expenditure and is a simple, unobtrusive and inexpensive tool which may be used in public health settings.
机译:背景:计步器在测量步数方面最准确,在估算距离时准确性较差,在估算千卡路里支出时甚至准确性较差。这项研究的目的是使用计步器步数和感知劳累等级(RPE)来创建身体活动指数(PAI),以增强估计步行锻炼过程中卡路里消耗的能力。方法:32名女性进行了3次平衡的步行运动。在每次发作期间,测量氧气消耗量,RPE和步数。 PAI是RPE与每个回合步数的乘积。结果:使用VO 2作为标准变量建立了PAI的并行验证。多元回归分析显示,PAI评分与VO 2之间存在强正相关(r = .91)。然后使用PAI得分作为预测变量,使用数据开发统计模型以估算大卡支出。结论:发现PAI是估算大卡支出的准确方法,并且是一种简单,易懂且便宜的工具,可用于公共卫生环境。



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