首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Phytopathology >Pathogenic fungi in garlic seed cloves from the United States and China, and efficacy of fungicides against pathogens in garlic germplasm in Washington State.

Pathogenic fungi in garlic seed cloves from the United States and China, and efficacy of fungicides against pathogens in garlic germplasm in Washington State.


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Commercially distributed garlic (Allium sativum) seed cloves from six states of the United States and mainland China were surveyed for the presence of fungi recorded as pathogenic to garlic in the literature. Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Botrytis porri, Embellisia allii, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae, F. proliferatum and Penicillium hirsutum, were each recovered from one or more of these commercial sources, as was F. verticillioides, not previously reported as pathogenic to garlic, but here demonstrated to be a pathogen. Seed garlic distributed from public germplasm collections may also contain fungal pathogens: E. allii, F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae and/or F. proliferatum caused severe losses in 2002-2003 and 2005-2006 during germplasm regeneration and storage for the National Plant Germplasm System in Pullman, Washington. Use of fludioxonil, thiophanate methyl and/or benomyl (the latter withdrawn from the market, but used here as a standard) at label rates against E. allii and Fusarium species promoted plant health, but not when infections were located deep within tissues nor under some situations involving high disease pressure..
机译:调查了来自美国六个州和中国大陆的商业分布的大蒜(Allium sativum)丁香中是否存在对大蒜有致病性的真菌。黑曲霉,曲霉,Botrytis porri,Alliellisia,Fusarium oxysporum f。 sp。 cepae,proliferatum和hiricum hirsutum分别从一种或多种这些商业来源中回收,就像以前没有报道过对大蒜有致病性的verticalillioides一样,在这里也证明是病原体。从公共种质资源库中收集的种子大蒜也可能含有真菌病原体:E。allii,F。oxysporum f.。 sp。在华盛顿州普尔曼市的国家植物种质系统的种质更新和保存期间,cepae和/或proliferatum造成了2002-2003年和2005-2006年的严重损失。以氟尿嘧啶,甲基托布津甲基和/或苯菌灵(后者从市场上撤出,但在这里用作标准)以针对大肠埃希菌和镰刀菌属的标签率使用可促进植物健康,但当感染位于组织内部或下方时,则无济于事。一些涉及疾病高压力的情况。



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