首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery >A series of complications after third molar osteotomy in a pancytopenia patient and spontaneous healing after bone marrow transplantation.

A series of complications after third molar osteotomy in a pancytopenia patient and spontaneous healing after bone marrow transplantation.


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Complications can result from the surgical removal of third molars, and the complication rate is expected to be higher in immunosuppressed patients. However, such cases are rare.Leflunomide is a slow-acting antirheumatic agent used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. It inhibits dihydroorotate dehydro-genase, a key enzyme in pyrimidine metabolism that is particularly significant in the cell division of T lymphocytes, and suppresses leukocyte migration. In the intestinal wall and the liver, leflunomide is converted into its active metabolite, A771726, which is further metabolized into additional active substances. The half-life of these active leflunomide metabolites is between 1 and 4 weeks. Known side effects of le-ffunomide are itching, mucous membrane lesions, hair loss (alopecia), diarrhea, and very rarely, agranu-locytosis and fatal liver necrosis.



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