首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental medicine >Exposure to Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work and the Incidence of Occupational Injuries: A Cohort Study in Spain

Exposure to Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work and the Incidence of Occupational Injuries: A Cohort Study in Spain


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Objectives:The aim of this study is to analyze the association between the exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work and the incidence of occupational injuries (OIs).Methods:A prospective dynamic cohort study (n=16,693) of 1-year follow-up. Psychosocial risk factors at work were assessed with the Spanish version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Incidence rates of OI per 1000 workers-year were calculated and associations between psychosocial risk factors and OI were estimated by Poisson regression models.Results:Unfavorable levels of esteem in men [rate ratio (RR)=1.28], and unfavorable levels of social support and quality of leadership (RR=1.87), psychological demands (RR=2.20), and active work and possibilities for development (RR=1.83) among women, were associated with OI incidence.Conclusions:Poor quality of psychosocial work environment increases the incidence of OI. Psychosocial intervention programs could be helpful in order to reduce OI incidence rates and their associated costs.
机译:目的:本研究旨在分析工作中遭受社会心理风险因素的暴露与职业伤害发生率之间的关系。方法:前瞻性动态队列研究(n = 16,693),为期1年。 。使用西班牙语版本的《哥本哈根心理社会问卷》对工作中的社会心理风险因素进行了评估。计算每1000名工人每年的OI发生率,并通过泊松回归模型估计心理社会风险因素与OI之间的关联。结果:男性的自尊水平[比率[RR] = 1.28]不佳,社会支持水平不佳妇女的领导力和素质(RR = 1.87),心理需求(RR = 2.20),积极工作和发展可能性(RR = 1.83)与OI发生率相关。结论:心理社会工作环境质量低下会增加发病率OI。社会心理干预计划可能有助于降低OI发生率及其相关费用。



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