首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nursing and healthcare of chronic illness >A model of integration of illness and self-management in type 2 diabetes

A model of integration of illness and self-management in type 2 diabetes


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A model of integration of illness and self-management in type 2 diabetes Aim. To describe the process of illness integration and self-management among people with type 2 diabetes. Background. Integration of illness is a developmental process referring to the emotional and existential aspects of being ill. It is an overarching concept that describes the process that a person undergoes in living with a chronic disease, from prediagnosis to adaptation to illness as a natural part of life. Despite the common use of terms such as illness integration and self-management, there exists little research that investigates how these concepts relate to one another. Methods. A narrative interview study applying qualitative content analysis was conducted with people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The study focused on their personal understandings of illness, and particularly, the relationship of the participants' illness integration to self-management of the disease. Data were collected in 2002. Results. In the trajectory from prediagnosis to adaptation, there is a turning point when people seem to integrate the illness emotionally and existentially, and in relation to their self-management practice. The trajectory includes the phases of suspecting illness/being diagnosed, understanding and explaining the illness, and negotiating illness and taking stands about self-management. These phases in turn are influenced by perceptions of the seriousness and threat of the disease; the intensity and nature of the ill person's emotional response to the disease and its management; goals and expectations for living with the disease and for living in general; and lastly, perceptions of the outcomes and impacts of self-management. Conclusion. Illness integration and self-management processes develop simultaneously. In some cases, a turning point occurs that causes the person to view self-management as both necessary and feasible. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses may influence the illn...



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