首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oilseeds Research >Training needs of oilseeds researchers : an assessment study

Training needs of oilseeds researchers : an assessment study


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The study was carried out during the year 2000-01. The results indicate that majority (73.4%) of researchers belonged to middle aged group and had Ph.D. as educational qualification. The trainings under went by them were found to be low. Majority (75.5%) of them agreed the existence of motivation at their organizations. Only 44.4% of them satisfied over the infrastructure facilities and 60% of them agreed the existence of information facilities. The duration as perceived by high majority (44.5%) wastwo weeks with frequency of three years once. The major training needs perceived by them were recent trends in production technology of oilseed crops (ranked first) followed by use of statistics in oilseeds research and post harvest technology for oilseeds development ranked II and III respectively in oilseeds research management. While in communication management, information technology and computer application in oilseeds development and use of multi media in out reach of oilseeds technology ranked Iand II respectively. The suggestions offered by them for effective training, in which more number of visits to research and development organizations followed by emphasis laid more on practicals. The other suggestions made were also considered to be important for effectiveness of training.



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