首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optics >Quenched dynamics of two-dimensional solitary waves and vortices in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation

Quenched dynamics of two-dimensional solitary waves and vortices in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation


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We consider a two-dimensional (2D) counterpart of the experiment that led to the creation of quasi-1D bright solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) (2002 Nature 417 150-3). We start by identifying the fundamental state of the 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation for repulsive interactions, with a harmonic-oscillator (HO) trap, and with or without an optical lattice (OL). Subsequently, we switch the sign of the interaction to induce interatomic attraction and monitor the ensuing dynamics. Regions of stable self-trapping and a catastrophic collapse of 2D fundamental states are identified in the parameter plane of the OL strength and BEC norm. The increase of the OL strength expands the persistence domain for the solitary waves to larger norms. For single-charged solitary vortices, in addition to the survival and collapse regimes, an intermediate one is identified, where the vortex resists the collapse but loses its structure, transforming into a single-hump state. The same setting may also be implemented in the context of optical solitons and vortices, using photonic-crystal fibers.
机译:我们认为该实验的二维(2D)对应物导致在Bose-Einstein冷凝物(BEC)(2002 Nature 417 150-3)中创建准1D亮孤子。我们首先确定2D Gross-Pitaevskii方程的基本状态,该状态用于带有谐波振荡器(HO)陷阱,带有或不带有光学晶格(OL)的排斥相互作用。随后,我们切换相互作用的符号以诱导原子间吸引并监测随后的动力学。在OL强度和BEC规范的参数平面中确定了稳定的自陷区域和2D基本状态的灾难性崩溃区域。 OL强度的增加将孤立波的余辉域扩展到更大的范数。对于单电荷的孤立涡旋,除了生存和崩溃状态外,还确定了一个中间涡旋,其中涡流抵抗崩溃但失去了结构,转变为单峰状态。使用光子晶体光纤,在光学孤子和涡旋的环境中也可以实现相同的设置。



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