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Low salt diet and treatment of hypertension: an old story.


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A relatively low salt intake is nowadays considered one of the characteristics of a healthy diet in the Western world because several disorders appear to be unfavorably affected by excessive salt intake with the diet. The first notion about a relation between salt intake and blood pressure traces back to 2500 bc in an ancient Chinese medical textbook. This paper focuses on studies about salt and hypertension in the first half of the 20th century. The first papers in this field were published from the beginning of the century, but due to a modest scientific content were still not considered in the 1940s to provide sufficient evidence in favor of a salt restriction in hypertensive patients. A major practical contribution came from the Kempner rice diet, an effective antihypertensive dietary treatment which included a severe restriction of salt intake. After that, several studies in animals and humans showed that, with regard to the antihypertensive effect, the key element of the Kempner diet was the low salt content. By the first years of the 1950s, the evidence was already available that salt restriction is an effective antihypertensive treatment and that adherence to the treatment should be assessed by monitoring urinary electrolytes.
机译:如今,相对低的盐摄入量在西方世界被认为是健康饮食的特征之一,因为饮食中过量摄入盐分似乎会不利地影响几种疾病。关于盐的摄入量与血压之间的关系的第一个概念可追溯到一本古老的中医教科书中的2500 bc。本文着重于20世纪上半叶有关盐和高血压的研究。该领域的第一篇论文始于本世纪初,但由于科学含量不高,在1940年代仍未考虑提供足够的证据支持高血压患者限盐。 Kempner大米饮食是一项重要的实际贡献,Kempner大米饮食是一种有效的降压饮食疗法,其中包括严格限制食盐的摄入。此后,对动物和人类的多项研究表明,就降压作用而言,肯普纳饮食的关键因素是低盐含量。到1950年代的头几年,已有证据表明限盐是一种有效的降压治疗方法,应通过监测尿电解质来评估对治疗的依从性。



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