首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuroimaging >Potential role of PMD-TCD monitoring in the management of hemodynamically unstable intracranial stenosis

Potential role of PMD-TCD monitoring in the management of hemodynamically unstable intracranial stenosis


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A 54-year-old woman started to loose vision 2 days prior to admission and also experienced left-sided headache, nausea, emesis, and disorientation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed bilateral posterior cerebral artery and cerebellar infarctions. Transcranial power motion Doppler (PMD-TCD) showed blunted flow signal in the proximal basilar artery (BA) suggestive for a high-grade stenosis also seen on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel was started. Catheter angiography confirmed the proximal high-grade BA stenosis. After angiography, the patient experienced hypertensive crisis with severe headache. Blood pressure was lowered and headache resolved. One hour later she developed fluctuating level of consciousness and motor symptoms. PMD-TCD findings were suggestive for an intraluminal thrombus that moved from the proximal to the distal basilar artery, presumably further contributing to brain stem hypoperfusion and neurological deterioration. To achieve a compromise between lower blood pressure and maintenance of brain perfusion, hypervolemic hemodilution with intravenous dextran-40 was initiated. Patient's symptoms resolved to baseline and MRI showed no new parenchymal lesions.
机译:一名54岁的女性在入院前2天开始视力下降,还出现了左侧头痛,恶心,呕吐和迷失方向。磁共振成像(MRI)显示双侧后脑动脉和小脑梗死。经颅动力运动多普勒(PMD-TCD)显示近端基底动脉(BA)的血流信号变钝,提示在磁共振血管造影(MRA)上也可见高度狭窄。开始使用阿司匹林和氯吡格雷双重抗血小板治疗。导管血管造影证实了近端高级BA狭窄。血管造影后,患者经历了严重头痛的高血压危机。血压降低,头痛缓解。一小时后,她出现意识和运动症状的波动水平。 PMD-TCD的发现提示腔内血栓从基底动脉近端向远端移动,可能进一步导致脑干灌注不足和神经系统恶化。为了在降低血压和维持脑灌注之间达成折中,开始使用静脉内右旋糖酐40进行高血容量血液稀释。患者的症状恢复到基线水平,MRI未显示新的实质性病变。



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