首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Optical imaging of hippocampal neurons with a chloride-sensitive dye: early effects of in vitro ischemia.

Optical imaging of hippocampal neurons with a chloride-sensitive dye: early effects of in vitro ischemia.


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We determined if changes in intraneuronal Cl- occur early after ischemia in the hippocampal slice. Slices from juvenile rats (14-19 days old) were loaded with the cell-permeant form of 6-methoxy-N-ethylquinolinium chloride (MEQ), a Cl(-)-sensitive fluorescent dye. Real-time changes in intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl-]i) were measured with UV laser scanning confocal microscopy in multiple neurons within each slice. In vitro ischemia (26-28 degrees C, 10 min) was confirmed by the loss of synaptic transmission (evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials) from pyramidal cells in area CA1. After ischemia and reoxygenation (10 min), MEQ fluorescence decreased significantly in CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons. The decreased fluorescence corresponded to an ischemia-induced increase in [Cl-]i of approximately 10 mM. Pretreatment with the GABA(A)-gated Cl- channel antagonist picrotoxin (100 microM) blocked the ischemia-induced change in [Cl-]i. Analysis of the superfusates indicated that ischemia also caused a transient amino acid (GABA, glutamate, and aspartate) release that was maximal at approximately 10 min, returning to baseline shortly thereafter. Recovery from ischemia was confirmed by the return of synaptic transmission in area CA1, the return toward baseline of the ischemia-induced decrease in MEQ fluorescence, and exclusion of propidium iodide from MEQ fluorescent cells. Furthermore, pyramidal cells did not undergo cell swelling during this early phase of reoxygenation, as indicated by the volume-sensitive dye calcein. Thus, mild ischemia induces the accumulation of [Cl-]i secondary to GABA(A) receptor activation, in the absence of cellular swelling or death. In contrast, depolarization of the slice with K+ (50 mM) decreased MEQ fluorescence significantly but caused cell swelling. Picrotoxin did not prevent the K+-induced increase in [Cl-]i. It is possible that an increased [Cl-]i, following either an ischemic event or an episode of depolarization, would reduce the Cl- driving force and thereby limit synaptic transmission by GABA. To support this hypothesis, ischemia caused a reduction in the ability of the GABA agonist muscimol to increase [Cl-]i after 20-min reoxygenation.
机译:我们确定海马切片缺血后早期是否发生神经内Cl-的变化。将来自幼年大鼠(14-19天大)的切片上充满细胞通透性的6-甲氧基-N-乙基喹啉鎓氯化物(MEQ),一种对Cl(-)敏感的荧光染料。使用紫外激光扫描共聚焦显微镜在每个切片中的多个神经元中测量细胞内氯离子浓度([Cl-] i)的实时变化。通过CA1区锥体细胞的突触传递损失(诱发的田间兴奋性突触后突触电位),证实了体外缺血(26-28摄氏度,10分钟)。缺血和复氧(10分钟)后,CA1锥体细胞和中间神经元的MEQ荧光显着下降。荧光降低对应于缺血诱导的[Cl-] i增加约10 mM。用GABA(A)门控的Cl通道拮抗剂微毒素(100 microM)进行的预处理可阻断缺血诱导的[Cl-] i变化。对超融合物的分析表明,缺血还引起瞬时氨基酸(GABA,谷氨酸和天冬氨酸)释放,该释放在大约10分钟时达到最大,此后不久又恢复至基线。通过区域CA1中突触传递的恢复,局部缺血诱导的MEQ荧光下降至基线的恢复以及从MEQ荧光细胞中排除碘化丙啶,证实了缺血的恢复。此外,如对体积敏感的染料钙黄绿素所表明的那样,锥体细胞在复氧的这一早期阶段并未经历细胞膨胀。因此,在没有细胞肿胀或死亡的情况下,轻度局部缺血会诱导继发于GABA(A)受体激活的[Cl-] i积累。相反,用K +(50 mM)使切片去极化显着降低了MEQ荧光,但引起了细胞肿胀。微小毒素不能阻止K +诱导的[Cl-] i增加。缺血事件或去极化发作后增加的[Cl-] i可能会降低Cl-驱动力,从而限制GABA引起的突触传递。为了支持该假设,局部缺血导致了20分钟复氧后GABA激动剂麝香酚增加[Cl-] i的能力降低。



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