
First principle calculations of the optical properties of a neutral oxygen vacancy in Ge-doped silica


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We report ab initio configuration interaction calculations of the optical properties of a neutral oxygen vacancy in Ge-doped silica. This defect center, V(SiGe), is assumed to involve a missing O atom between a Si and a Ge atom with formation of a direct Si-Ge bond, ident to Si-Geident to. Several calculations have been performed using cluster models to obtain a reliable estimate of the excitation energy. The lowest fully allowed singlet-singlet transition in V(SiGe) occurs in a spectral region around 7.3 eV according to the calculations, i.e. not too far from the absorption band at 7.6 eV attributed to a V(SiSi) center in pure silica. The emission properties of V(SiGe) and the reasons for the similar transition energy in V(SiSi) and V(SiGe) cnters are discussed.
机译:我们报告从头开始配置相互作用的Ge掺杂的二氧化硅中性氧空位的光学性质的计算。假定该缺陷中心V(SiGe)包含Si和Ge原子之间缺失的O原子,并形成与Si-Geident相同的直接Si-Ge键。使用聚类模型已经执行了一些计算以获得激励能量的可靠估计。根据计算,V(SiGe)中最低的完全允许的单重态-单峰转变发生在7.3 eV附近的光谱区域,即距离纯二氧化硅中的V(SiSi)中心归因于7.6 eV的吸收带不太远。讨论了V(SiGe)的发射特性以及在V(SiSi)和V(SiGe)中心中过渡能量相似的原因。


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