首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. >Feasibility of thoracic nerve root preservation in posterior transpedicular vertebrectomy with anterior column cage insertion: a cadaveric study.

Feasibility of thoracic nerve root preservation in posterior transpedicular vertebrectomy with anterior column cage insertion: a cadaveric study.


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OBJECT: Transpedicular thoracic vertebrectomy (TTV) is a safe alternative to the more standard transthoracic approach. A TTV is most commonly used to address vertebral body fractures due to tumor or trauma. Transpedicular reconstruction of the anterior column with cage/bone traditionally requires unilateral thoracic nerve root sacrifice. In a cadaveric model, the authors evaluated the feasibility of transpedicular anterior column reconstruction without nerve root sacrifice. If feasible, this may be a reasonable approach that could be extended to the lumbar spine where nerve root sacrifice is not an option. METHODS: A TTV was performed in 8 fixed cadaveric specimens. In each specimen, an alternate vertebra (either odd or even) was removed so that single-level reconstruction could be evaluated. The vertebrectomy included facetectomy, adjacent discectomies, and laminectomy; however, the nerve roots were preserved. The authors then evaluated the feasibility of inserting a titanium mesh cage (Medtronic Sofamor Danek) without neural sacrifice. RESULTS: Transpedicular anterior cage reconstruction could be safely performed at all levels of the thoracic spine without nerve root sacrifice. The internerve root space varied from 18 mm at T2-3 to 27 mm at T11-12; thus, the size of the cage that was used also varied with level. CONCLUSIONS: Cage reconstruction of the anterior column could be safely performed via the transpedicular approach without nerve root sacrifice in this cadaveric study. Removal of the proximal part of the rib in addition to a standard laminectomy with transpedicular vertebrectomy provided an excellent corridor for anterior cage reconstruction at all levels of the thoracic spine without nerve root sacrifice.
机译:目的:经椎弓根胸椎切除术(TTV)是更标准的经胸椎入路的安全替代选择。 TTV最常用于解决由于肿瘤或创伤引起的椎体骨折。传统上使用笼子/骨头的椎弓根再造术需要单侧胸神经根牺牲。在尸体模型中,作者评估了无神经根牺牲的经椎弓根前柱重建的可行性。如果可行,这可能是一种合理的方法,可以扩展到腰神经根不可行的腰椎。方法:在8个固定的尸体标本中进行了TTV。在每个标本中,去除了备用椎骨(奇数或偶数),以便可以评估单层重建。椎骨切除术包括小平面切除术,相邻的椎间盘切除术和椎板切除术。但是,神经根被保留了下来。然后,作者评估了在没有神经牺牲的情况下插入钛网笼(Medtronic Sofamor Danek)的可行性。结果:可以安全地在所有脊柱水平进行经椎弓根前笼重建,而无需牺牲神经根。神经根的根部空间从T2-3的18 mm到T11-12的27 mm不等;因此,所用笼子的大小也随水平而变化。结论:在该尸体研究中,可以通过经椎弓根入路安全地进行前柱的笼重建,而无需牺牲神经根。除标准椎板切除术和经椎弓根椎骨切除术外,肋骨近端部分的切除还为在无神经根牺牲的情况下在所有脊柱脊柱前笼重建提供了极好的通道。



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