首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance >Analytical Method for Forming Limit Diagram Prediction with Application to a Magnesium ZEK100-0 Alloy

Analytical Method for Forming Limit Diagram Prediction with Application to a Magnesium ZEK100-0 Alloy


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A significant barrier to broader implementation of magnesium alloys is their poor room temperature formability, a consequence of the anisotropic response of the Mg hexagonal closed-packed (hcp) crystal structure. Additions of rare earth (RE) elements, such as in the ZEK100 alloys, weaken the texture and improve formability. Room temperature forming limit analyses of RE-containing Mg alloys, particularly Mg ZEK100, have not been explored to any significant extent in the literature. In this paper, strain-based forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are derived for an Mg ZEK100-O alloy (Zn1.34Zr0.23Nd0.182, wt.%) using an analytical method that combines the vertex theory of Storen and Rice (J Mech Phys Solids, 23:421-441, 1979), the anisotropic yield criterion of Barlat and Lian (Int J Plast, 5:51-66, 1989), and a hardening law. The method does not rely on assumptions about pre-existing defects, is broadly applicable to sheet alloys exhibiting in-plane anisotropy requiring a higher-order yield criterion, and requires only minimal experimental inputs. Results from the analytical method are compared with experimentally derived FLDs based upon the well-known Nakajima test and tensile deformation, and with predictions from an existing analytical method for FLDs. Close agreement between the experimentally derived FLDs and the present theoretical method was obtained. Sheet materials where the theoretical method does not apply are also discussed.
机译:镁合金广泛应用的一个重大障碍是其差的室温成形性,这是镁六角形密堆积(hcp)晶体结构各向异性响应的结果。在ZEK100合金中添加稀土(RE)元素会削弱织构并改善可成形性。含RE的Mg合金,尤其是Mg ZEK100的室温成形极限分析在文献中没有进行过任何重大研究。在本文中,使用结合了Storen和Rice顶点理论的分析方法,得出了Mg ZEK100-O合金(Zn1.34Zr0.23Nd0.182,wt。%)基于应变的成形极限图(FLD) Mech Phys Solids,23:421-441,1979),Barlat和Lian的各向异性屈服准则(Int J Plast,5:51-66,1989)以及硬化定律。该方法不依赖于关于预先存在的缺陷的假设,广泛适用于显示面内各向异性要求较高屈服准则的薄板合金,并且仅需要最少的实验输入。将分析方法的结果与基于众所周知的中岛试验和拉伸变形的实验得出的FLD进行比较,并与现有FLD分析方法的预测进行比较。实验得出的FLD与本理论方法之间取得了密切的一致。还讨论了不适用理论方法的板材。



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