首页> 外文期刊>Clinical oncology >Pineal parenchymal tumours: II. On the aggressive behaviour of pineoblastoma in patients with an inherited mutation of the RB1 gene.

Pineal parenchymal tumours: II. On the aggressive behaviour of pineoblastoma in patients with an inherited mutation of the RB1 gene.


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This report relates to a retrospective analysis of two non-randomised cohorts of patients with pineoblastoma, with some differences in presenting features and treatment characteristics. We have identified a large difference in survival depending on the possession or otherwise of the mutated RB (retinoblastoma) gene in the genome/karyotype. Eight children with familial retinoblastoma (non-metastatic at presentation) developed pineoblastoma and were treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The survival of these patients was compared with the survival of nine non-metastatic sporadic cases of pineoblastoma similarly staged and treated. One out of eight children having the RB mutation in the genome survived compared with seven out of nine in the group with sporadic pineoblastoma (P = 0.002). It is suggested that the inheritance of the mutated retinoblastoma gene is not only causal in the generation of this tumour type but, in a way that is yet to be defined, renders such tumours more aggressive or less responsive to therapy. With the current interest in the role of RB mutations in other cancers (where the prognostic import of single genes is less easily identified), this observation may have wider relevance.
机译:本报告涉及对两个成皮细胞瘤患者的非随机队列的回顾性分析,在表现特征和治疗特征方面存在一些差异。我们已经确定了生存的巨大差异,这取决于基因组/核型中是否存在突变的RB(成视网膜细胞瘤)基因。八名儿童家族性视网膜母细胞瘤(呈现非转移性)发展成成骨细胞瘤,并接受化学疗法和放射疗法治疗。将这些患者的存活率与9例经分期和治疗的非成年散发性成骨细胞瘤病例的存活率进行了比较。基因组中具有RB突变的儿童中有八分之一存活,而散发性成骨细胞瘤组中有九分之七(P = 0.002)。提示突变的视网膜母细胞瘤基因的遗传不仅在这种肿瘤类型的产生中是因果的,而且以尚待确定的方式使这种肿瘤对治疗更具攻击性或反应性降低。由于目前人们对RB突变在其他癌症中的作用(其中单个基因的预后输入较不容易确定)的兴趣引起关注,这一发现可能具有更广泛的相关性。



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