首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Multivariate Analysis: An International Journal >On Bayes estimators with uniform priors on spheres and their comparative performance with maximum likelihood estimators for estimating bounded multivariate normal means

On Bayes estimators with uniform priors on spheres and their comparative performance with maximum likelihood estimators for estimating bounded multivariate normal means


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For independently distributed observables: X_i ~ N (θ_i, σ~2), i = 1, ..., p, we consider estimating the vector θ = (θ_1, ..., θ_p)′ with loss {norm of matrix} d - θ {norm of matrix}2 under the constraint ∑_i = 1~p frac((θ_i - τ_i)~2, σ~2) ≤ m~2, with known τ_1, ..., τ_p, σ~2, m. In comparing the risk performance of Bayesian estimators δ_α associated with uniform priors on spheres of radius α centered at (τ_1, ..., τ_p) with that of the maximum likelihood estimator δ_(mle), we make use of Stein's unbiased estimate of risk technique, Karlin's sign change arguments, and a conditional risk analysis to obtain for a fixed (m, p) necessary and sufficient conditions on α for δ_α to dominate δ_(mle). Large sample determinations of these conditions are provided. Both cases where all such δ_α's and cases where no such δ_α's dominate δ_(mle) are elicited. We establish, as a particular case, that the boundary uniform Bayes estimator δ_m dominates δ_(mle) if and only if m ≤ k (p) with lim_(p → ∞) frac(k (p), sqrt(p)) = sqrt(2), improving on the previously known sufficient condition of Marchand and Perron (2001) [3] for which k (p) ≥ sqrt(p). Finally, we improve upon a universal dominance condition due to Marchand and Perron, by establishing that all Bayesian estimators δ_π with π spherically symmetric and supported on the parameter space dominate δ_(mle) whenever m ≤ c_1 (p) with lim_(p → ∞) frac(c_1 (p), sqrt(p)) = sqrt(frac(1, 3)).
机译:对于独立分布的可观测量:X_i〜N(θ_i,σ〜2),i = 1,...,p,我们考虑估计向量θ=(θ_1,...,θ_p)',且损失为{矩阵范数} d-θ{矩阵范数} 2在∑_i = 1〜p frac((θ_i-τ_i)〜2,σ〜2)≤m〜2的条件下,已知τ_1,...,τ_p,σ〜2 ,米在比较以半径为(τ_1,...,τ_p)的半径为α的球面上一致先验的贝叶斯估计量δ_α的风险表现与最大似然估计数δ_(mle)的风险表现时,我们利用了斯坦因的无偏风险估计技巧,Karlin的符号更改参数以及条件风险分析,以获取关于δ_α支配δ_(mle)的α的固定(m,p)必要和充分条件。提供了这些条件的大量样品测定结果。都引发了所有此类δ_α的情况和没有此类δ_α主导δ_(mle)的情况。作为一个特殊情况,我们确定,当且仅当m≤k(p)且lim_(p→∞)frac(k(p),sqrt(p))=时,边界均匀贝叶斯估计器δ_m主导δ_(mle)。 sqrt(2),改进了先前已知的Marchand和Perron(2001)[3]的充分条件,其中k(p)≥sqrt(p)。最后,我们通过建立所有π球对称且在参数空间上受支持的贝叶斯估计δ_π以及lim_(p→∞的m≤c_1(p)时,支配δ_(mle)的参数,来改善由Marchand和Perron引起的通用支配条件。 )frac(c_1(p),sqrt(p))= sqrt(frac(1,3))。



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