首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medicinal food >Chemical composition and biological activities of Calamintha officinalis Moench essential oil.

Chemical composition and biological activities of Calamintha officinalis Moench essential oil.

机译:Calamintha officinalis Moench精油的化学成分和生物活性。

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Calamintha officinalis Moench essential oil is used in cooking as an aromatic herb and also to improve the flavor and fragrance of several pharmaceutical products. The essential oil, obtained by hydrodistillation (5 mL/kg), was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection. Sixty-four components were identified, constituting 99.7% of the total oil. The major component was found to be carvone (38.7%), followed by neo-dihydrocarveol (9.9%), dihydrocarveol acetate (7.6%), dihydrocarveol (6.9%), 1,8 cineole (6.4%), cis-carvyl acetate (6.1%), and pulegone (4.1%). The essential oil showed antifungal and antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. In addition, it presented a very low toxicity both in vivo (50% lethal dose >100 mg/kg) and in vitro in the Artemia salina test (50% lethal concentration >500 muL/mL). C. officinalis essential oil, in rodents, produces the typical effects in behavior of a nonselective central nervous system-depressant drug; it potentiates the hypnotic effects of sodium pentobarbital, decreasing the induction time and enhancing the sleeping time. Moreover, it produces a decrease in body temperature and a protection against pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions.
机译:Calamintha officinalis Moench精油在烹饪中用作芳香药草,还可以改善几种药品的风味和香气。通过气相色谱-质谱和气相色谱-火焰电离检测分析加氢蒸馏得到的精油(5 mL / kg)。鉴定出六十四种成分,占总油的99.7%。发现主要成分是香芹酮(38.7%),其次是新二氢香芹酚(9.9%),乙酸二氢香芹酚(7.6%),二氢香芹酚(6.9%),1,8桉树脑(6.4%),顺式香芹酚乙酸酯( 6.1%)和pulegone(4.1%)。该精油对革兰氏阳性细菌显示出抗真菌和抗菌活性。此外,在卤虫盐渍试验中(50%致死浓度> 500μL/ mL),它在体内(50%致死剂量> 100 mg / kg)和体外均表现出非常低的毒性。 C. officinalis精油在啮齿动物中对非选择性中枢神经系统抑制药物的行为产生典型影响;它增强了戊巴比妥钠的催眠作用,减少了诱导时间并增加了睡眠时间。此外,它可以降低体温并防止戊四唑诱发的惊厥。



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