首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >The sequence of precipitation in 339 aluminum castings

The sequence of precipitation in 339 aluminum castings


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The precipitation sequences in direct-quenched from the die (DQD) and solution-treated (SOL) 339 aluminum have been determined by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). DSC scans for the alloy in both conditions exhibit two distinct exothermic peaks, each associated with a unique precipitate. The peak temperatures for precipitation in the DQD and SOL alloys differ by only a few degrees. TEM of samples heated to the lower temperature peak shows that the first precipitate to form in the DQD alloy is S' (Al2CuMg), whereas in the SOL alloy it is beta' (Mg2Si). The principal precipitate associated with the higher temperature peak in both DQD and SOL alloys is Si. The DSC peak temperature identifies the specific precipitate in 339 Al, but the peak area is not a reliable measure of precipitate density. Nano-indentation of the dendrites shows that the strength provided by the precipitates increases in the sequence Si < S' < beta'. However, their thermal stability increases in the reverse order. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. [References: 44]
机译:通过差示扫描量热法(DSC)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)的组合,确定了直接淬火从模头(DQD)和固溶处理(SOL)339铝中的析出顺序。在两种条件下对合金的DSC扫描均显示出两个不同的放热峰,每个峰都有一个独特的沉淀物。 DQD和SOL合金中沉淀的峰值温度仅相差几度。加热到较低温度峰的样品的TEM显示,在DQD合金中形成的第一个沉淀是S'(Al2CuMg),而在SOL合金中是β'(Mg2Si)。在DQD和SOL合金中,与较高温度峰相关的主要沉淀是Si。 DSC峰值温度可确定339 Al中的特定沉淀物,但峰值面积不是沉淀物密度的可靠度量。树枝状晶体的纳米压痕表明,沉淀物提供的强度按Si



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