首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hymenoptera Research >The natural history and behavior of Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) a parasitoid of Plesiometa argyra (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)

The natural history and behavior of Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) a parasitoid of Plesiometa argyra (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)

机译:弓形虫的膜翅目的自然历史和行为(膜翅目:翅目科)弓形虫(Plesiometa argyra)(寄生虫:Te科)的寄生虫

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Larvae of the koinobiont ectoparasitoid Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga Gauld used a series of different adaptations as they matured to hold onto the abdomen of their host spider. Plesiometa argyra, its web, and the larval cocoon: the first instar did not leave the egg chorion, which was glued to the spider by the female wasp when she oviposited; the second instar used two pairs of ventral abdominal protuberances to help hold onto both the first larva's molted cuticle and to what was probably a sheet of coagulated spider hemolymph that adhered to the larva and to wounds that it made on the spider's abdomen; the early final instar grasped the shed second instar cuticle that remained attached to the coagulated hemolymph with the ventral surface of is abdomen; and the late final instar used a row of mobile dorsal protuberances with sharply curved spines that grasped lines of a unique web that the larva induced the spider to spin just before killing it, and then the larva'a own cocOon silk. The pupa used a pair of toothed protuberances at the tip of the abdomen to stay at the upper end of its cocoon. Other aspects of the wasp's biology that are described include infanticide by adult females; aculeate-like lack of use of the ovipositor to oviposit; manipulation of host web-spinning behavior, apparently by means of a fast-acting larval secretion with long-term effects; manipulation of host bleeding; alternative tactics in attacks on spiders; use of pheromones by females to attract males; cocoon spinning behavior; and a bias to parasitize female rather than male spiders.
机译:拟人生物的外寄生性类膜蛇亚纲(Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga Gauld)的幼虫在成熟后会紧紧抓住宿主蜘蛛的腹部,进行了一系列不同的适应。 Plesiometa argyra,它的网和幼虫茧:第一龄幼虫没有离开卵绒毛膜,卵形卵母膜在产卵时被雌性黄蜂粘在蜘蛛上。第二龄幼虫使用两对腹侧腹部突起来帮助抓住第一个幼虫的蜕皮和粘附在幼虫上的凝结的蜘蛛血淋巴片以及蜘蛛腹部上的伤口。初生初期的幼虫抓住了脱落的第二个幼虫的表皮,该表皮仍然附着在凝固的血淋巴上,腹部腹面。最后一龄的幼虫使用了一排带有尖锐弯曲脊柱的活动背突起,这些脊柱抓住了独特的网状线,幼虫在杀死蜘蛛之前诱使它旋转,然后幼虫变成了自己的茧丝。 used在腹部的顶端使用一对带齿的突起,使其停留在茧的上端。所描述的黄蜂生物学的其他方面包括成年女性杀婴;卵泡状的缺乏使用产卵器进行排卵的现象;明显通过具有长期影响的速效幼虫分泌物来操纵宿主网的纺丝行为;处理宿主出血;攻击蜘蛛的替代策略;女性利用信息素吸引男性;茧纺行为偏爱女性蜘蛛而不是男性蜘蛛。



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