首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >PROMET - Large scale distributed hydrological modelling to study the impact of climate change on the water flows of mountain watersheds

PROMET - Large scale distributed hydrological modelling to study the impact of climate change on the water flows of mountain watersheds


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Climate change will change availability, quality and allocation of regional water resources. Appropriate modelling tools should therefore be available to realistically describe reactions of watersheds to climate change and to identify efficient and effective adaptation strategies on the regional scale. The paper presents the hydrologic model PROMET (Processes of Radiation, Mass and Energy Transfer), which was developed within the GLOWA-Danube project as part of the decision support system DANUBIA. PROMET covers the coupled water and energy fluxes of large-scale (A similar to 100,000 km(2)) watersheds. It is fully spatially distributed, raster-based with raster-elements of 1 km(2) area, runs on an hourly time step, strictly conserves mass and energy and is not calibrated using measured discharges. Details on the model concept and the individual model components are given. An application case of PROMET is given for the mountainous Upper-Danube watershed in Central Europe (A = 77,000 km(2)). The water resources are intensively utilized for hydropower, agriculture, industry and tourism. The water flows are significantly influenced by man-made structures like reservoirs and water diversions. A 33-years model run covering the period from 1971 to 2003 using the existing meteorological station network as input is used to validate the performance of PROMET against measured stream flow data. Three aspects of the model performance were validated with good to very good results: the annual variation of the water balance of the whole watershed and selected sub-watersheds, the daily runoff for the whole period at selected gauges and the annual flood peaks and low flows (minimum 7-days average). PROMET is used to investigate the impact of climate change on the water cycle of the Upper Danube. A stochastic climate generator is fed with two scenarios of climate development until 2060. One assumes no future temperature change, the other uses the temperature trends of the IPCC-A1B climate change scenario. PROMET is run with both climate data sets. No change in low-flow is detected when no temperature change is assumed. The IPCC-A1B climate scenario results in marked decreases of low-flow at the outlet of the watershed.
机译:气候变化将改变区域水资源的可用性,质量和分配。因此,应该有适当的建模工具来现实地描述流域对气候变化的反应,并确定区域规模上有效的适应策略。本文介绍了水文模型PROMET(辐射,质量和能量转移过程),该模型是在GLOWA-Danube项目内开发的,是决策支持系统DANUBIA的一部分。 PROMET涵盖了大规模流域(类似于100,000 km(2))的水和能量通量耦合。它是完全空间分布的,基于栅格,具有1 km(2)面积的栅格元素,每小时运行一次,严格保留质量和能量,并且未使用实测流量进行校准。给出了有关模型概念和各个模型组件的详细信息。在中欧山区多瑙河上流域(A = 77,000 km(2))中给出了PROMET的应用案例。水资源被大量用于水力发电,农业,工业和旅游业。水流受到诸如水库和引水等人造结构的显着影响。使用现有气象站网络作为输入的33年的模型运行(从1971年到2003年),用于验证PROMET相对于测得的流量数据的性能。对该模型性能的三个方面进行了验证,结果良好或非常好:整个流域和选定子流域的水量平衡的年度变化,选定尺度上整个时期的日径流量以及年度洪水高峰和低流量(至少7天平均)。 PROMET用于调查气候变化对多瑙河上游水循环的影响。直到2060年,一台随机气候发生器都具有两种气候发展方案。一种假定未来没有温度变化,另一种采用IPCC-A1B气候变化方案的温度趋势。 PROMET使用两个气候数据集运行。当没有温度变化时,认为没有检测到低流量变化。 IPCC-A1B气候情景导致流域出口处的低流量明显减少。



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