首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Immunological Methods >Lysis matters: Red cell lysis with FACS Lyse affects the flow cytometric enumeration of circulating leukemic blasts

Lysis matters: Red cell lysis with FACS Lyse affects the flow cytometric enumeration of circulating leukemic blasts


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The whole blood lysis method has become a standard procedure to remove red cells prior to immunophenotypic analysis of leukocytes. In the present study we investigated the influence of four different lysis protocols on the flow cytometric recovery of leukemic blasts. 32 blast cells containing blood samples were stained with anti-CD45 and anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody combinations. Red cell lysis was performed with FACS Lysing Solution and BD PharmLyse? (Becton Dickinson and Company BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA; n= 32) as well as Optilyse C and IOTest 3 (Immunotech SAS, Marseille; n= 15 out of 32). Flow cytometric enumeration of blasts was performed on a FACS-Canto flow cytometer. The percentage of blasts after treatment with FACS Lyse was significantly smaller than after PharmLyse? (p. 0.0001), Optilyse C (p. 0.0001), or IOTest 3 (p. 0.0001), respectively. The difference between PharmLyse? and Optilyse C (p= 0.93), PharmLyse? and IOTest 3 (p= 0.31), and Optilyse C and IOTest 3 (p= 0.34) was not significant. These results emphasize the importance of harmonization of red cell lysis protocols for the application of flow cytometry in hematological neoplasms.
机译:全血裂解法已成为在白细胞免疫表型分析之前去除红细胞的标准程序。在本研究中,我们研究了四种不同裂解方案对白血病母细胞流式细胞仪回收的影响。用抗CD45和抗CD34单克隆抗体组合对32个含有血样的胚细胞进行染色。用FACS裂解液和BD PharmLyse?进行红细胞裂解。 (Becton Dickinson和BD Biosciences公司,加利福尼亚州圣何塞; n = 32)以及Optilyse C和IOTest 3(Immunotech SAS,马赛; n = 32中的15)。在FACS-Canto流式细胞仪上进行胚细胞的流式细胞计数。 FACS Lyse处理后的胚泡百分比显着小于PharmLyse?处理后的胚泡百分比。 (第0.0001页),Opticale C(第0.0001页)或IOTest 3(第0.0001页)。 PharmLyse和有什么不一样?和Opticalse C(p = 0.93),PharmLyse?和IOTest 3(p = 0.31),而OptiC C和IOTest 3(p = 0.34)并不显着。这些结果强调了红细胞裂解方案对流式细胞术在血液肿瘤中应用的重要性。



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