首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics >Appropriate phenotyping procedures for drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in humans and their simultaneous use in the 'cocktail' approach.

Appropriate phenotyping procedures for drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in humans and their simultaneous use in the 'cocktail' approach.


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Phenotyping for drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters is used to assess quantitatively the effect of an intervention (e.g., drug therapy, diet) or a condition (e.g., genetic polymorphism, disease) on their activity. Appropriate selection of test drug and metric is essential to obtain results applicable for other substrates of the respective enzyme/transporter. The following phenotyping metrics are recommended based on the level of validation and on practicability: CYP1A2, paraxanthine/caffeine in plasma 6 h after 150 mg caffeine; CYP2C9, tolbutamide plasma concentration 24 h after 125 mg tolbutamide; CYP2C19, urinary excretion of 4'-OH-mephenytoin 0-12 h after 50 mg mephenytoin; CYP2D6, urinary molar ratio debrisoquine/4-OH-debrisoquine 0-8 h after 10 mg debrisoquine; and CYP3A4, plasma clearance of midazolam after 2 mg midazolam (all drugs given orally).
机译:药物代谢酶和转运蛋白的表型分析用于定量评估干预措施(例如药物治疗,饮食)或疾病状况(例如遗传多态性,疾病)对其活性的影响。适当选择测试药物和度量标准对于获得适用于相应酶/转运蛋白其他底物的结果至关重要。根据验证水平和实用性,建议以下表型分析指标:CYP1A2、150 mg咖啡因后6 h血浆中对黄嘌呤/咖啡因; CYP2C9,甲苯磺丁酰胺125 mg后24 h血浆甲苯磺丁酰胺浓度; CYP2C19,50 mg甲妥英后0-12 h尿中4'-OH-甲苯妥英的排泄; CYP2D6,十毫克地异喹酮后0-8小时的尿摩尔比地乙异喹/ 4-OH-地异喹;和CYP3A4,咪达唑仑2 mg(所有药物口服给药)后咪达唑仑的血浆清除率。



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