首页> 外文期刊>Clinical pharmacokinetics >Forecasting of blood tacrolimus concentrations based on the Bayesian method in adult patients receiving living-donor liver transplantation.

Forecasting of blood tacrolimus concentrations based on the Bayesian method in adult patients receiving living-donor liver transplantation.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate Bayesian prediction of blood tacrolimus concentrations in adult patients receiving living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) using previously obtained population pharmacokinetic parameters. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data were retrospectively collected from 47 adult patients receiving LDLT who were not included in the estimation of population pharmacokinetic parameters. Blood tacrolimus concentrations were predicted without or with the empirical Bayesian method using sparse samples obtained in the previous week. Predictive performance of the concentrations was evaluated by the mean prediction error (ME), mean absolute prediction error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) as well as the percentage of successful predictions (percentage of absolute prediction error less than 3 microg/L, %PRED3). RESULTS: Concentrations predicted by the population mean pharmacokinetic parameter values coincided well with observed concentrations during the period of tacrolimus infusion immediately afterthe operation. For concentrations during subsequent oral therapy with tacrolimus, predictability by the population mean pharmacokinetic parameter values alone was not satisfactory. Bayesian forecasting using one or two blood concentrations obtained in the previous week significantly decreased (p<0.05) MAE and RMSE compared with predictions based on the population mean pharmacokinetic parameters on postoperative days 21 and 28, but not on day 14. During postoperative days 15-21, %PRED3 was increased to 68.6% or 71.2% with the Bayesian method using one or two blood concentrations, respectively, from 44.9% with the population mean pharmacokinetic parameter values. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated the applicability of the Bayesian method with use of one or two samples for prediction of blood tacrolimus concentrations in adult patients receiving LDLT.
机译:目的:使用先前获得的人群药代动力学参数,对接受活体供肝移植(LDLT)的成年患者评估其血液中他克莫司浓度的贝叶斯预测。患者与方法:回顾性收集47例接受LDLT的成年患者的数据,这些患者未包括在人群药代动力学参数的估算中。使用上周获得的稀疏样品,可以通过经验贝叶斯方法进行或不采用经验贝叶斯方法来预测他克莫司的血药浓度。通过平均预测误差(ME),平均绝对预测误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)以及成功预测的百分比(绝对预测误差的百分比小于3 microg / L,%PRED3)。结果:由人群平均药代动力学参数值预测的浓度与术后他克莫司输注期间观察到的浓度相吻合。对于随后的他克莫司口服治疗期间的浓度,仅人群平均药代动力学参数值的可预测性并不令人满意。与基于术后21天和28天而不是第14天的人群平均药代动力学参数的预测相比,使用前一周获得的一两种血液浓度进行的贝叶斯预测显着降低(p <0.05)MAE和RMSE。 -21,使用一种或两种血液浓度的贝叶斯方法分别将%PRED3从44.9%和总体平均药代动力学参数值提高到68.6%或71.2%。结论:本研究证明了使用贝叶斯方法结合一两个样本来预测接受LDLT的成年患者血液他克莫司浓度的适用性。



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