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Critical appraisal tools for assessing the methodological quality of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies included in systematic mixed studies reviews


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The development of critical appraisal tools for assessing the methodological quality of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies included in systematic mixed studies reviews testifies the vitality of the field. In a recent issue of the Journal of Evaluation and Clinical Practice, Sirriyeh and colleagues [1] describe the development and preliminary evaluation of a tool for appraising the methodological quality of studies with diverse designs. Of the 16 items, 14 assess all types of study designs, two are specific for qualitative designs and two for quantitative designs. There are no specific criteria for mixed methods designs. The authors state that they found only one equivalent tool, and I would like to mention that I developed a third equivalent tool, the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) [2].
机译:系统的混合研究综述中所开发的用于评估定性,定量和混合方法研究方法质量的关键评估工具的开发证明了该领域的生命力。 Sirriyeh及其同事[1]在最新一期的《评估与临床实践杂志》中,描述了一种评估和评估设计多样的研究方法学质量的工具的开发和初步评估。在这16个项目中,有14个评估了所有类型的研究设计,其中两个是针对定性设计的,另外两个是定量设计的。混合方法设计没有具体标准。作者指出,他们只找到了一个等效的工具,我想提到的是,我开发了第三个等效的工具,即混合方法评估工具(MMAT)[2]。



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