首页> 外文期刊>Journal of European Industrial Training: A Journal for HRD Specialists >International ethical dilemmas confronting Australian managers: Implications for the training and development of employees working overseas

International ethical dilemmas confronting Australian managers: Implications for the training and development of employees working overseas


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Globalisation has seen diverse cultures becoming increasingly entwined and interdependent as business organisations operate in a borderless world. When organisations operate internationally they often find that countries differ in what is considered wrong or right. The objectives of the research were to identify cross-cultural ethical dilemmas confronting Australian managers, and explore the strategies they utilise in dealing with those dilemmas in their international operations. The study raises the questions of whose ethics should be applied, and whether a set of universal ethical norms should be or can be developed. The discussion emanating from such questions also raises important issues for the training and ongoing management of employees undertaking business in the international environment. A total of 70 Australian managers from the mining, textile and information technology industries participated in this research, representing a cross-section of Australian industry groups from the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors undertaking business in the international arena. The research utilised a conceptual framework that emerged from the moral philosophies represented in the international business arena. The research utilised a conceptual framework that emerged from the moral philosophies represented in the international business arena, namely ethical relativism (Bowie 1996; Kohls & Butter 1994; Bowie & Duska 1990; Dobson 1990) imperialism (Gopalkrishnan 2001; Donaldson 1996b; De George 1993) and universalism (Beauchamp & Bowie 2001; Donaldson 1996b).
机译:全球化已经看到,随着企业组织在无国界的世界中开展业务,各种文化变得越来越相互交织和相互依存。当组织在国际上开展业务时,他们通常会发现国家在被认为是对还是错的方面有所不同。该研究的目的是确定澳大利亚管理人员面临的跨文化伦理困境,并探讨他们在应对其国际业务中的困境时所采用的策略。该研究提出了一个问题,即应适用谁的道德规范,以及是否应该制定或可以制定一套普遍的道德规范。这些问题引起的讨论也为在国际环境中开展业务的员工的培训和持续管理提出了重要问题。来自采矿,纺织和信息技术行业的总共70名澳大利亚管理人员参加了这项研究,代表了从事国际舞台业务的第一,第二和第三产业的澳大利亚行业群体的跨部门。该研究利用了一个概念框架,该框架源于国际商业舞台上代表的道德哲学。该研究利用了国际商业领域中代表的道德哲学提出的概念框架,即道德相对主义(Bowie 1996; Kohls&Butter 1994; Bowie&Duska 1990; Dobson 1990)帝国主义(Gopalkrishnan 2001; Donaldson 1996b; De George 1993)。 )和普遍主义(Beauchamp&Bowie 2001; Donaldson 1996b)。



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