首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Forest Science >Micropropagation of Shorea robusta: an economically important woody plant

Micropropagation of Shorea robusta: an economically important woody plant


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Shorea robusta is a valuable tree species which provides good quality timber along with other useful materials like seeds which can be used as a source of starch. Woody plants are difficult to regenerate under in vitro conditions and only some successhas been achieved so far. Here wc have presented the data for successful in vitro regeneration of 5. robusta using nodal explants. Shoot proliferation and rooting were also successfully achieved in subsequent subcultures. The best medium for shoot initiation and proliferation was found to be WPM with1.0 mg.l~(-1) BAP and 0.5 mgl~(-1)NAA and1.0 mg-l~(-1)BAP +0.5 mg.l~(-1)NAA, respectively. Likewise for rooting WPM medium with 0.5 mg.l~(-1)IBA was found to be the best meaium.
机译:饱满的树种(Shorea Robusta)是一种珍贵的树种,可提供优质的木材以及可用作种子的其他有用材料,如种子。木本植物很难在体外条件下再生,到目前为止仅取得了一些成功。在这里,wc展示了使用结节外植体成功进行5.robusta体外再生的数据。在随后的亚培养中也成功地实现了芽的增殖和生根。发现用于芽萌生和增殖的最佳培养基是WPM,其具有1.0 mg.l〜(-1)BAP和0.5 mgl〜(-1)NAA和1.0 mg-1〜(-1)BAP +0.5 mg。 l〜(-1)NAA。同样,对于生根量为0.5 mg.l〜(-1)IBA的WPM培养基,发现是最好的me。



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