首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Farm Management >Kicking the Dust: the past, present and future of young farmers in rural South Australia.

Kicking the Dust: the past, present and future of young farmers in rural South Australia.


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Farming in South Australia is becoming increasingly complex. The challenges of structural adjustment, rural social and industrial change, drought, climate change and globalisation pose new and ongoing questions about what South Australian farming will look like in the future, and the level of control that farmers have in shaping that future. Particularly relevant to forming a vision for this future is the small, and often unheard, population of young farmers currently pursuing a viable, sustainable and meaningful future in farming. 'Kicking the Dust' aims to advance the needs and opinions of young farmers through documenting their perspectives about their lives, their futures and the future of farming in South Australia. The research aims to inform state and national policy makers to address the needs of young farmers and provide insight into their vision for a viable and meaningful future in farming.
机译:南澳大利亚州的农业正变得越来越复杂。结构调整,农村社会和工业变化,干旱,气候变化和全球化的挑战带来了新的和持续的问题,这些问题是关于南澳大利亚州的农业未来的状况,以及农民在塑造未来方面的控制水平。与塑造这一未来愿景特别相关的是,目前正在追求可行,可持续和有意义的未来农业的年轻农民人数很少,而且往往是闻所未闻的。 “踢尘”旨在通过记录青年农民对其生活,未来和南澳大利亚农业未来的看法,来满足他们的需求和意见。该研究旨在使州和国家决策者了解年轻农民的需求,并深入了解他们对可行的,有意义的农业未来的愿景。



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