首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Botany >Conservation of two lineages of peroxisomal (Type I) 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolases in land plants, specialization of the genes in Brassicaceae, and characterization of their expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Conservation of two lineages of peroxisomal (Type I) 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolases in land plants, specialization of the genes in Brassicaceae, and characterization of their expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.


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Arabidopsis thaliana has three genes encoding type I 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolases (KAT1, KAT2, and KAT5), one of which (KAT5) is alternatively transcribed to produce both peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins. To evaluate the potential importance of these four gene products, their evolutionary history in plants and their expression patterns in Arabidopsis were investigated. Land plants as a whole have gene lineages corresponding to KAT2 and KAT5, implying conservation of distinct functions for these two genes. By contrast, analysis of synteny shows that KAT1 arose by duplication of the KAT2 locus. KAT1 is found in the Brassicaceae family, including in the genera Arabidopsis, Capsella, Thellungiella (=Eutrema) and Brassica, but not in the more distantly related Caricaceae (order Brassicales), or other plants. Gene expression analysis using qRT-PCR and beta -glucuronidase reporter genes showed strong expression of KAT2 during germination and in many plant tissues throughout the life cycle, consistent with its observed dominant function in fatty acid beta -oxidation. KAT1 was expressed very weakly while KAT5 was most strongly expressed during flower development and in seedlings after germination. Isoform-specific qRT-PCR analysis and promoter beta -glucuronidase reporters revealed that the two splicing variants of KAT5 have similar expression profiles. Alternative splicing of KAT5 to produce cytosolic and peroxisomal proteins is specific to and ubiquitous in the Brassicaceae, and possibly had an earlier origin in the order Brassicales. This implies that an additional function for KAT5 arose between 43 and 115 mybp. We speculate that this KAT5 mutation was recruited for a cytosolic function in secondary metabolism.
机译:拟南芥具有编码I型3-酮酰基-CoA硫酶(KAT1,KAT2和KAT5)的三个基因,其中之一(KAT5)被转录产生过氧化物酶体蛋白和胞质蛋白。为了评估这四个基因产物的潜在重要性,研究了它们在植物中的进化历史及其在拟南芥中的表达模式。陆地植物总体上具有对应于KAT2和KAT5的基因谱系,这意味着这两个基因具有不同的功能。相比之下,对语气的分析表明,KAT1是通过重复KAT2基因座而产生的。 KAT1在芸苔科中发现,包括在拟南芥属,Cap菜属,Thellungiella(= Eutrema)和芸苔属中,而在远缘亲缘类(芸苔科)或其他植物中找不到。使用qRT-PCR和β-葡萄糖醛酸糖苷酶报道基因进行基因表达分析,发现KAT2在发芽过程中以及在整个生命周期的许多植物组织中都有强表达,这与其在脂肪酸β-氧化中的主导作用相一致。在花的发育过程中和发芽后的幼苗中,KAT1的表达非常弱,而KAT5的表达却最强。亚型特异性qRT-PCR分析和启动子β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶报道基因显示,KAT5的两个剪接变体具有相似的表达谱。产生胞质和过氧化物酶体蛋白的KAT5的可变剪接对十字花科是特有的,并且在十字花科中普遍存在,并且可能起源于十字花科。这意味着KAT5的附加功能出现在43到115 mybp之间。我们推测此KAT5突变被招募为次级代谢中的胞浆功能。



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