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Localization and space-time dispersion of the kinetic coefficients of a two-dimensional disordered system


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A generalization of the Vollhardt–W?lfle self-consistent localization theory is proposed to take into account spatial dispersion of the kinetic coefficients of a two-dimensional disordered system. It is shown that the main contribution to the singular part of the collision integral of the Bethe–Salpeter equation in the limit w→0 is from the diffusion pole iw= (p + p)2D(|p + p'|,w), which provides an anomalous increase in the probability of backscattering p→–p'. In this limit the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on q and exhibits localization behavior, D(q,w) = –wif(lDq), where |f(z)|≤(0) = d2 (d is the localization length). According to the Berezinski–Gor'kov criterion, D(q,0) = 0 for all q. Spatial dispersion of D(q,) is manifested on a scale q∝1/lD, where lD is the frequency-dependent diffusion length. In the localization state lDl, where l is the electron mean free path; lD as 0, suggesting the suppression of spatial dispersion of the kinetic coefficients down to atomic scales. Under the same conditions σ(q,w) exhibits a strong dependence on q on a scale q∝1/d, i.e., the nonlocality range of the electrical conductivity is of the order of the localization length d. At the microscopic level these results corroborate the main conclusions of Suslov (Zh. éksp. Teor. Fiz. 108, 1686 (1995) [JETP 81, 925 (1995)]), which were obtained to a certain degree phenomenologically in the limit w→0. A major advance beyond the work of Suslov in the present study is the analysis of spatial dispersion of the kinetic coefficients at finite (rather than infinitely low) frequencies.
机译:Vollhardt-Wflfle自洽局部化理论的一般化被提出来考虑二维无序系统动力学系数的空间分散。结果表明,在极限w→0范围内,对Bethe–Salpeter方程碰撞积分奇异部分的主要贡献来自扩散极iw =(p + p)2D(| p + p'|,w) ,反散射p→-p'的概率反常增加。在此限制下,扩散系数对q的依赖性并表现出定位行为,D(q,w)= –wif(lDq),其中| f(z)|≤(0)= d2(d为定位长度)。根据Berezinski–Gor'kov准则,所有q的D(q,0)= 0。 D(q,)的空间色散以尺度q∝1 / lD表示,其中lD是频率相关的扩散长度。在本地化状态lD l,其中l是电子平均自由程; lD为0,表明抑制了动力学系数在原子尺度上的空间分散。在相同条件下,σ(q,w)在q = 1 / d的范围内表现出对q的强烈依赖性,即电导率的非局部范围约为局部化长度d。在微观层面上,这些结果证实了Suslov的主要结论(Zh。éksp。Teor。Fiz。108,1686(1995)[JETP 81,925(1995)]),从现象学上在一定程度上达到了极限w。 →0。在本研究中,超越Suslov的工作的主要进展是在有限(而不是无限低)频率下分析动力学系数的空间色散。



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