首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Planning and Management >Modelling visitor groups' intentions to displace from an urban trail: a combined stated preference and video monitoring approach

Modelling visitor groups' intentions to displace from an urban trail: a combined stated preference and video monitoring approach


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Depending on gender and activity, overcrowding and safety concerns may detract from urban green space use. Differences in use displacement intentions from a recreational trail in a forest in Vienna were investigated for male and female walkers as well as male and female dog-walkers (N =425) using an image-based stated preference model. The trail scenarios were depicted as digitally calibrated images that systematically displayed combinations of levels of crowding with different mixes of user types and visitor behaviour. Visitors were asked whether the presented recreation scenario was so unacceptable that they would shift their use away from the presented trail. Hours and days of stated non-use of the recreation trail by various user groups are estimated by integrating the results of the behavioural model with annual visitation data. Use displacement intentions differed by gender and activity. High use levels were a greater concern for all respondents than very low use levels, particularly for female dog-walkers. However, only a small proportion of the recorded hours were heavily used. Safety concerns about very low use levels reduced the potential times of forest use for female walkers without a dog.
机译:取决于性别和活动,人满为患和安全问题可能会损害城市绿地的使用。使用基于图像的陈述偏好模型,调查了男性和女性walk狗以及男性和女性dog狗者(N = 425)在维也纳森林休闲小径中使用位移意图的差异。足迹场景被描述为数字校准图像,该图像系统地显示了拥挤程度的组合以及不同类型的用户类型和访客行为。参观者被问及所提出的娱乐场景是否如此令人无法接受,以至于他们会将其用途从提出的线索上移开。通过将行为模型的结果与年度访问数据进行集成,可以估算出各种用户群体未使用娱乐步道的小时和天数。使用迁移的意图因性别和活动而异。与非常低的使用量相比,对于所有的受访者来说,高使用量是一个更大的问题,特别是对于female狗的女性。但是,只有很少一部分记录的时间被大量使用。对于使用量极低的安全问题,减少了没有狗的女性助行器潜在的森林利用时间。



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