首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental monitoring: JEM >Preparation and evaluation of candidate, certified reference materials (CRMs) for nutrients in seawater

Preparation and evaluation of candidate, certified reference materials (CRMs) for nutrients in seawater


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Certified reference materials (CRMs) are an essential part of the quality assurance (QA) necessary for the reliable analytical measurement of nutrients in seawater. The CRMs currently available for these analyses are not matrix matched to marine samples. QUASIMEM routinely produces test materials for the nutrients in seawater and nutrients in estuarine water and low-salinity open water Laboratory Performance Studies (LPS) that are both homogeneous and stable. QUASIMEME, in conjunction with Eurofins Scientific, Denmark have produced two reference materials (RMs). The homogeneity testing and preliminary stability studies were carried out by QUASIMEME, and the results are presented in this article. Participants of the QUASIMEME LPS who demonstrated satisfactory long-term performance for the analysis of nutrients in seawater and nutrients in estuarine water and low-salinity open water were invited to take part in the certification exercise. Twenty laboratories returned data, a summary of which is also presented. The certification and long-term stability testing and additional data analysis were carried out by Eurofins Scientific, Denmark, and are outwith the scope of this article and not reported here. Eurofins Scientific, Denmark have marketed these RMs as part of their range of VKI Reference Materials.
机译:认证参考物质(CRM)是质量保证(QA)的重要组成部分,对于可靠地分析海水中的营养成分而言,这是必需的。当前可用于这些分析的CRM不适用于海洋样本。 QUASIMEM通常生产均质且稳定的海水营养物,河口水中营养物和低盐度开放水实验室性能研究(LPS)的测试材料。 QUASIMEME与丹麦的Eurofins Scientific合作生产了两种参考材料(RM)。均质性测试和初步稳定性研究由QUASIMEME进行,结果在本文中给出。 QUASIMEME LPS的参与者在海水中的营养物以及河口水和低盐度开放水域中的营养物分析方面表现出令人满意的长期性能,他们被邀请参加认证活动。 20个实验室返回了数据,并提供了摘要。认证和长期稳定性测试以及其他数据分析是由Eurofins Scientific(丹麦)进行的,超出了本文的范围,此处不再赘述。丹麦的Eurofins Scientific已将这些RM作为其VKI参考材料系列的一部分进行了营销。



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