首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Materials >Thermoelectric Properties of Polyaniline Films with Different Doping Concentrations of (±)-10-Camphorsulfonic Acid

Thermoelectric Properties of Polyaniline Films with Different Doping Concentrations of (±)-10-Camphorsulfonic Acid


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The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric properties was investigated for polyaniline (PANI) films doped with different concentrations of (±)-10-camphorsulfonic acid (CSA) with molar ratio x of CSA to two phenyl-nitrogen units of x = 1 to 0.2. All PANI-CSA films exhibit p-type conduction. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of the films with low CSA concentrations is consistent with a transport mechanism of variable-range hopping. On the other hand, the Seebeck coefficient above room temperature shows a linear increase with temperature, attributed to the metallic nature of PANI-CSA. As the CSA concentration decreases, the absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient increases while the electrical conductivity extremely decreases, probably due to the changes not only in the carrier concentration but also in the degree of structural disorder. The power factor increases monotonically with increasing CSA concentration toward x = 1 (the maximum limit). The thermal conductivity value of CSA-PANI film with x = 1 is as low as about 0.20 W m~(-1) K~(-1) in the through-plane direction and about 0.67 W m~(-1) K~(-1) in the in-plane direction. The thermoelectric figure of merit ZT in the in-plane direction is estimated to be approximately 1 × 10~(-3) for x = 1.
机译:研究了掺杂不同浓度的(±)-10-樟脑磺酸(CSA)的聚苯胺(PANI)薄膜的热电性能对温度的依赖性,其中CSA与两个x = 1至0.2的苯基氮单元的摩尔比为x。所有PANI-CSA膜均显示p型导电。具有低CSA浓度的薄膜的电导率对温度的依赖性与变程跳跃的传输机制一致。另一方面,归因于PANI-CSA的金属性质,高于室温的塞贝克系数显示随温度线性增加。随着CSA浓度的降低,塞贝克系数的绝对值会增加,而电导率会极大地降低,这可能不仅是由于载流子浓度的变化,还是结构无序度的变化。功率因数随着CSA浓度朝x = 1(最大极限)增加而单调增加。 x = 1的CSA-PANI薄膜的热导率值在整个平面方向上低至约0.20 W m〜(-1)K〜(-1),约0.67 W m〜(-1)K〜 (-1)在面内方向。当x = 1时,面内方向的热电品质因数ZT估计约为1×10〜(-3)。



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