首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Treatment of Mature Permanent Teeth with Necrotic Pulps and Apical Periodontitis Using Regenerative Endodontic Procedures: A Case Series

Treatment of Mature Permanent Teeth with Necrotic Pulps and Apical Periodontitis Using Regenerative Endodontic Procedures: A Case Series


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Introduction: Regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) are usually used to treat human immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and/or apical periodontitis. Successful REPs result in the elimination of clinical signs/symptoms, the resolution of apical periodontitis, and, in some cases, thickening of the canal walls and/or continued root development with or without apical closure. REPs can restore the vitality of tissue in the canals of immature permanent teeth previously destroyed by infection or trauma. Vital tissue is inherited with immune defense mechanisms to protect itself from foreign invaders. Recently, REPs have also been used to successfully treat human mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and apical periodontitis. The purpose of this case series was to present the potential. of using REPs for mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and apical periodontitis. Methods: This case series consisted of 6 patients, 4 females and 2 males. The patients' ages ranged from 8-21 years old. Seven permanent teeth, 4 anterior and 3 molar teeth, With necrotic pulps and apical periodontitis were treated using REP. Radiographically, the root development of all teeth was almost completed except the apices of 2 molars, which showed slightly open. Complete chemomechanical debridement of the canals of the teeth was performed, and the canals were dressed with Metapaste (Meta Biomed Co, Ltd, Chungbuk, Korea) during treatment visits. Periapical bleeding into the canals was induced at the last treatment visit by placing a hand #20 or #25 K-file with the tip slightly bent through the apical foramina into the periapical tissues. A 3-mm thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate was placed into the corona] canals over semicoagulated blood. The access cavities were restored with either composite resin or amalgam. Results: Follow-ups of the 7 teeth ranged from 8 to 26 months. The periapical lesions of 2 teeth were considered healed, and 5 teeth revealed healing. Clinical signs/symptoms were absent in all teeth at follow-up visits at different time points. None of the treated teeth responded to cold and electric pulp tests. Conclusions: This case series shows the potential of using REPs for mature teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis.
机译:简介:再生牙髓治疗程序(REPs)通常用于治疗坏死牙髓和/或根尖周炎的未成熟恒牙。成功的REP可以消除临床体征/症状,消除根尖周炎,在某些情况下,无论有无根尖闭合,管壁增厚和/或持续的牙根发育。 REPs可以恢复未成熟的恒牙管中先前因感染或创伤而破坏的活力。生命组织具有免疫防御机制,可以保护自己免受外来入侵者的侵害。最近,REPs还被用于成功治疗坏死牙髓和根尖性牙周炎的人类成熟恒牙。本案例系列的目的是展示潜力。使用REPs治疗具有坏死牙髓和根尖性牙周炎的成熟恒牙。方法:本病例系列由6例患者组成,其中女性4例,男性2例。患者的年龄为8-21岁。使用REP治疗7颗恒牙,4颗前牙和3颗磨牙,坏死牙髓和根尖性牙周炎。影像学上,除了2颗磨牙的顶点(略微张开)外,所有牙齿的根部发育几乎完成。对牙齿的根管进行了完整的化学机械清创术,并在治疗就诊期间用Metapaste(Meta Biomed Co,Ltd,韩国忠北)对根管进行了敷料。在最后一次治疗就诊时,通过将#20或#25 K型锉刀的手尖稍微弯曲穿过根尖孔,刺入根尖周根组织,从而引起根尖周根管出血。将3毫米厚的三氧化二矿骨料置于半凝固血液上方的冠状血管中。用复合树脂或汞齐修复进入腔。结果:7颗牙齿的随访时间为8到26个月。 2颗牙的根尖周病变被视为已治愈,5颗牙显示已愈合。在不同时间点进行随访时,所有牙齿均未出现临床体征/症状。没有一个治疗过的牙齿对冷和电动牙髓测试有反应。结论:该病例系列显示了使用REPs治疗具有坏死牙髓和根尖性牙周炎的成熟牙齿的潜力。



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