首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Boundedly pivotal structural change tests in continuous updating GMM with strong, weak identification and completely unidentified cases

Boundedly pivotal structural change tests in continuous updating GMM with strong, weak identification and completely unidentified cases


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This paper develops structural change tests in the continuous updating GMM framework that are robust to weak identification. We propose likelihood ratio-like, Anderson-Rubin [1949. Estimation of the parameters of a single equation in a complete systemof stochastic equations. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 20, 46-63], and Kleinbergen [2005. Testing parameters in GMM without assuming that they are identified. Manuscript. Brown University] types of tests. Since the limits of the test statistics arenot nuisance parameter free, bounds for the limit of the test statistics are derived. The bounds are nuisance parameter free and robust to identification problems. Simulations show that the Anderson-Rubin (1949) and Kleinbergen [2005. Testing parametersin GMM without assuming that they are identified. Manuscript. Brown University] type of tests have very good small sample properties. In the case of weak instruments, the sup LM test of Andrews [1993a. Tests for parameter instability and structural change with unknown change point. Econometrica 61, 821-856] rejects the true null of parameter stability more than the nominal level, and, also has low power in the weak instrument setup.
机译:本文开发了在持续更新的GMM框架中对弱识别具有鲁棒性的结构变更测试。我们提出类似似然比的方法,Anderson-Rubin [1949。完整的随机方程组中单个方程的参数估计。数理统计年鉴20,46-63]和Kleinbergen [2005。在GMM中测试参数而不假定已识别它们。手稿。布朗大学]测试类型。由于测试统计量的极限不是无干扰参数,因此得出测试统计量的极限。边界是无干扰参数,对识别问题具有鲁棒性。模拟显示,Anderson-Rubin(1949)和Kleinbergen [2005。在GMM中测试参数而不假定已识别它们。手稿。布朗大学]类型的测试具有非常好的小样本属性。在仪器较弱的情况下,对安德鲁斯[1993a。测试参数不稳定性和未知变化点的结构变化。 [Econometrica 61,821-856]拒绝参数稳定性的真正零误超过标称水平,并且在弱仪器设置中功耗也很低。



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