首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Antifouling chromanols isolated from brown alga Sargassum horneri

Antifouling chromanols isolated from brown alga Sargassum horneri

机译:从褐藻Sargassum horneri中分离出的防污铬醇

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Biofouling in aquatic environments have a wide range of detrimental effects on man-made structures and cause economic loss. Current antifouling compounds including Diuron, dichlorofluanid, and Irgarol are toxic and can accumulate in marine environments. Thus, effective and environmentally friendly antifoulants are needed. Six structurally similar compounds were isolated from the brown alga, Sargassum horneri, based on bioactivity-guided isolation by reversed-phased liquid flash chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Six chemical constituents possessing antifouling activities were identified as chromanols consisting of polyprenyl chain by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy. Antifouling activities of these six compounds were determined against representative fouling organisms including a hard fouling organism the mussel Mytilus edulis, a soft fouling macroalga Ulva pertusa, the biofouling diatom Navicula annexa, and the biofouling bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa KNP-3 and Alteromonas sp. KNS-8. The compounds could inhibit larvae settlement of mussel M. edulis with an EC50 of 0.11-3.34 mu g mL(-1), spore settlement of U. pertusa zoospores (EC50 of 0.01-0.43 mu g mL(-1)), and the diatom N. annexa (EC50 of 0.008-0.19 mu g mL(-1)). The two biofouling bacteria were sensitive to the tested compounds (minimum inhibitory concentration of 1.68-36.8 and 1.02-30.4 mu g mL(-1), respectively). From toxicity tests on juvenile Sebastes schlegelii fish, brine shrimp Artemia salina, and microalga Tetraselmis suecica, S3 had the lowest LC50 values of 60.2, 108, and 6.7 mu g mL(-1) and exhibited no observed effect concentration at 24.5, 41.6, and 3.1 mu g mL(-1) for these three tested marine organisms, respectively.
机译:水生环境中的生物污损对人造结构具有广泛的有害影响,并造成经济损失。当前的防污化合物包括Diuron,dichlorofluanid和Irgarol有毒,可以在海洋环境中累积。因此,需要有效且环保的防污剂。基于生物活性指导的反相液相闪蒸色谱和高效液相色谱分离,从褐藻Sargassum horneri中分离出六个结构相似的化合物。通过核磁共振和质谱法鉴定出具有防污活性的六种化学成分为由聚异戊二烯链组成的色酚。确定了这六种化合物对代表性污垢生物的防污活性,包括硬污垢生物,贻贝贻贝,软污垢大藻Ulva pertusa,生物污垢硅藻Navicula Annexa以及生物污垢细菌铜绿假单胞菌KNP-3和Alteromonas sp。 KNS-8。这些化合物可以抑制贻贝幼虫的幼虫沉降,其EC50为0.11-3.34μg mL(-1),对百日草游动孢子的孢子沉降(EC50为0.01-0.43μg mL(-1)),以及硅藻N.Annexa(EC50为0.008-0.19微克mL(-1))。两种生物污染细菌对测试化合物敏感(最小抑制浓度分别为1.68-36.8和1.02-30.4μg mL(-1))。通过对幼鱼Sebastes schlegelii鱼,卤水虾卤虫卤虫和微藻Tetraselmis suecica的毒性测试,S3的最低LC50值为60.2、108和6.7μg mL(-1),并且在24.5、41.6,对于这三种测试的海洋生物分别为3.1μg mL(-1)。



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