首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Algal communities at Gouqi Island in the Zhoushan archipelago, China

Algal communities at Gouqi Island in the Zhoushan archipelago, China


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The kelp bed of Gouqi Island lies in the east of the East China Sea, in the Shengsi Archipelago. It is a key component of the island-reef ecosystem. This study evaluated kelp beds on intertidal and subtidal zones from 2004 to 2006. We evaluated seasonal variations in the community structure of macroalgae, and their relationship with water temperature, nitrogen and phytoplankton. The Gouqi Island kelp bed consists mainly of species of Sargassum. Sargassum horneri was the dominant species in subtidal zones, representing 90% of the total biomass. The dominant species in intertidal zones were S. fusiforme, S. horneri, S. thunbergii and Undaria pinnatifida. Fifty-four phytoplankton species were found in the Gouqi Island kelp bed, of which 51 species were found inside the kelp beds, 43 species outside the kelp beds, and 40 species were present both inside and outside the kelp beds. Diatoms were dominant both inside and outside the kelp beds. Except in winter, Skeletonema costatum was dominant, and its abundance in autumn was over 98% of the total abundance. Water temperature was found to be the primary factor influencing the growth of S. horneri in the Gouqi Island kelp bed. S. horneri grew slowly from November to March, and rapidly from March to June. The upper temperature limit for growth of S. horneri was about 18A degrees C. Higher water temperatures can result in a decline in the kelp bed. Nitrogen seemed to be a limiting factor for macroalgal growth. This was particularly true for S. horneri and phytoplankton. Since nitrate is the primary nutrient for S. horneri, its absorption by S. horneri resulted in seasonal changes of nitrate in the ecosystem.
机译:沟崎岛的海带床位于东四海的the泗群岛。它是岛礁生态系统的关键组成部分。这项研究评估了2004年至2006年潮间带和潮间带的海藻床。我们评估了大型藻类群落结构的季节性变化及其与水温,氮和浮游植物的关系。苟奇岛海带床主要由Sargassum种类组成。海藻(Sargassum horneri)是潮下带的优势种,占生物量的90%。潮间带的优势种是梭状链球菌,霍纳里链球菌,雷氏链球菌和pindatifida。在沟奇岛海藻床上发现了54种浮游植物,其中在海藻床上发现51种,在海藻床上发现43种,在海藻内部和外部都存在40种。海藻床内外的硅藻都占主导地位。除冬季外,肋骨骨骼肌占主导,秋季的丰度超过总丰度的98%。发现水温是影响苟奇岛海藻床中角质沙棘生长的主要因素。 S. horneri从11月到3月增长缓慢,从3月到6月迅速增长。霍恩沙门氏菌生长的温度上限约为18A摄氏度。较高的水温会导致海带床减少。氮似乎是大型藻类生长的限制因素。对于霍恩沙门氏菌和浮游植物尤其如此。由于硝酸盐是霍恩沙门氏菌的主要养分,因此霍尼李对它的吸收导致生态系统中硝酸盐的季节变化。



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