首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Characterization of cell envelope-associated proteinases of thermophiliclactobacilli

Characterization of cell envelope-associated proteinases of thermophiliclactobacilli


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The proteolytic activities of two natural isolates of thermophilic lactobacilli, Lactobacillus acidophilus BGRA43 and Lact, delbrueckii BGPF1, and Lact. acidophilus CH2 (Chr. Hansen's strain) and Lact, acidophilus V74 (Visby's strain), were compared. Results revealed that optimal pH for all four proteinases is 6.5, whereas temperature optimum varied among proteinases. Determination of caseinolytic activity done under optimal conditions for each strain revealed that the CH2 and V74 proteinases completely hydrolysed both alpha (s1)-casein and beta -casein, showing very low activity towards kappa -casein. The BGPF1 proteinase completely hydrolysed only beta -casein. The BGRA43 proteinase completely hydrolysed all three casein fractions. The proteolytic activities of whole cells were inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors, suggesting that all four strains produce serine proteinases. DNA-DNA hybridization and PCR analysis showed that BGPF1 contains the prtB-like proteinase gene. Characterized thermophilic strains BGPF1 and BGRA43 were successfully used as starter cultures for production of yoghurt and acidophilus milk, respectively.
机译:嗜热乳杆菌的两种天然分离物,嗜酸乳杆菌BGRA43和Lact,delbrueckii BGPF1和Lact的蛋白水解活性。比较了嗜酸菌CH2(汉森氏菌)和乳酸菌V74(维斯比氏菌)。结果表明,所有四种蛋白酶的最佳pH均为6.5,而蛋白酶的最佳温度则有所不同。在每个菌株的最佳条件下测定酪蛋白水解活性的结果表明,CH2和V74蛋白酶完全水解了α(s1)-酪蛋白和β-酪蛋白,对kappa-酪蛋白的活性非常低。 BGPF1蛋白酶仅完全水解β-酪蛋白。 BGRA43蛋白酶完全水解了所有三个酪蛋白级分。整个细胞的蛋白水解活性受到丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂的抑制,表明这四个菌株均产生丝氨酸蛋白酶。 DNA-DNA杂交和PCR分析表明,BGPF1包含prtB样蛋白酶基因。特有的嗜热菌株BGPF1和BGRA43已分别成功用作生产酸奶和嗜酸乳的发酵剂。



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