首页> 外文期刊>Journal of comparative psychology >Learning from others' mistakes? Limits on understanding a trap-tube task by young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and children (Homo sapiens)

Learning from others' mistakes? Limits on understanding a trap-tube task by young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and children (Homo sapiens)


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A trap-tube task was used to determine whether chimpanzees (Pan trogiodytes) and children (Homo sapiens) who observed a model's errors and successes could master the task in fewer trials than those who saw only successes. Two- to 7-year-old chimpanzees and 3- to 4-year-old children did not benefit from observing errors and found the task difficult. Two of the 6 chimpanzees developed a successful anticipatory strategy but showed no evidence of representing the core causal relations involved in trapping. Three- to 4-year-old children showed a similar limitation and tended to copy the actions of the demonstrator, irrespective of their causal relevance. Five- to 6-year-old children were able to master the task but did not appear to be influenced by social learning or benefit from observing errors.
机译:捕获管任务用于确定观察到模型错误和成功的黑猩猩(盘古猿)和儿童(智人)是否能比仅看到成功的动物更少的试验就能完成任务。 2至7岁的黑猩猩和3至4岁的儿童没有从观察错误中受益,他们发现这项工作很困难。 6只黑猩猩中有2只制定了成功的预期策略,但没有证据显示参与诱捕的核心因果关系。 3至4岁的儿童表现出相似的局限性,并且倾向于复制示威者的行为,而不论其因果关系如何。 5至6岁的孩子能够熟练地完成任务,但似乎没有受到社交学习的影响,也没有从观察错误中受益。



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