
The SAFETY Program: A Treatment-Development Trial of a Cognitive-Behavioral Family Treatment for Adolescent Suicide Attempters


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The purpose of this article is to describe feasibility, safety, and outcome results from a treatment development trial of the SAFETY Program, a brief intervention designed for integration with emergency services for suicide-attempting youths. Suicide-attempting youths, ages 11 to 18, were enrolled in a 12-week trial of the SAFETY Program, a cognitive-behavioral family intervention designed to increase safety and reduce suicide attempt (SA) risk (N=35). Rooted in a social-ecological cognitive-behavioral model, treatment sessions included individual youth and parent session-components, with different therapists assigned to youths and parents, and family session-components to practice skills identified as critical in the pathway for preventing repeat SAs in individual youths. Outcomes were evaluated at baseline, 3-month, and 6-month follow-ups. At the 3-month posttreatment assessment, there were statistically significant improvements on measures of suicidal behavior, hopelessness, youth and parent depression, and youth social adjustment. There was one reported SA by 3 months and another by 6 months, yielding cumulative attempt rates of 3% and 6% at 3 and 6 months, respectively. Treatment satisfaction was high. Suicide-attempting youths are at high risk for repeat attempts and continuing mental health problems. Results support the value of a randomized controlled trial to further evaluate the SAFETY intervention. Extension of treatment effects to parent depression and youth social adjustment are consistent with our strong family focus and social-ecological model of behavior change.
机译:本文的目的是描述SAFETY计划的治疗开发试验的可行性,安全性和结果,这是一种简短的干预措施,旨在与自杀倾向青年的紧急服务结合使用。 11至18岁的尝试自杀的青年参加了为期12周的SAFETY计划的试验,该计划是一项认知行为家庭干预措施,旨在提高安全性并降低自杀未遂(SA)的风险(N = 35)。根植于社会生态认知行为模型中,治疗课程包括个别的青年和家长课程组成部分,为青少年和父母分配了不同的治疗师,以及家庭课程组成部分,以实践被认为是预防重复性SAs途径中至关重要的技能。个人青年。在基线,3个月和6个月的随访中评估结果。在为期3个月的治疗后评估中,自杀行为,绝望,青少年和父母抑郁以及青少年社会适应的测量在统计学上有显着改善。到3个月时报告了一次SA,而到6个月时报告了另一次,分别在3个月和6个月时发生的累积尝试率分别为3%和6%。治疗满意度很高。自杀倾向的年轻人极有可能再次尝试和持续的心理健康问题。结果支持随机对照试验的价值,以进一步评估安全干预措施。将治疗效果扩展到父母抑郁症和青少年的社会适应,这与我们对家庭的关注和行为改变的社会生态学模型是一致的。


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