首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design >Compilation and physicochemical classification analysis of a diverse hERG inhibition database

Compilation and physicochemical classification analysis of a diverse hERG inhibition database


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A large and chemically diverse hERG inhibition data set comprised of 6690 compounds was constructed on the basis of ChEMBL bioactivity database and original publications dealing with experimental determination of hERG activities using patch-clamp and competitive displacement assays. The collected data were converted to binary format at 10 A mu M activity threshold and subjected to gradient boosting machine classification analysis using a minimal set of physicochemical and topological descriptors. The tested parameters involved lipophilicity (log P), ionization (pK (a) ), polar surface area, aromaticity, molecular size and flexibility. The employed approach allowed classifying the compounds with an overall 75-80 % accuracy, even though it only accounted for non-specific interactions between hERG and ligand molecules. The observed descriptor-response profiles were consistent with common knowledge about hERG ligand binding site, but also revealed several important quantitative trends, as well as slight inter-assay variability in hERG inhibition data. The results suggest that even weakly basic groups (pK (a) < 6) might substantially contribute to hERG inhibition potential, whereas the role of lipophilicity depends on the compound's ionization state, and the influence of log P decreases in the order of bases > zwitterions > neutrals > acids. Given its robust performance and clear physicochemical interpretation, the proposed model may provide valuable information to direct drug discovery efforts towards compounds with reduced risk of hERG-related cardiotoxicity.
机译:基于ChEMBL生物活性数据库和涉及使用膜片钳和竞争性置换分析测定hERG活性的实验性出版物的原始出版物,构建了由6690种化合物组成的大量且化学性质多样的hERG抑制数据集。收集的数据在10 AμM的活动阈值下转换为二进制格式,并使用最少的一组理化和拓扑描述符进行梯度增强机器分类分析。测试的参数包括亲脂性(log P),电离(pK(a)),极性表面积,芳香性,分子大小和柔韧性。即使仅考虑了hERG与配体分子之间的非特异性相互作用,所采用的方法也允许以总体准确度75-80%对化合物进行分类。观察到的描述符-响应图谱与关于hERG配体结合位点的常识相一致,但也揭示了一些重要的定量趋势,以及hERG抑制数据的轻微测定间差异。结果表明,即使弱碱性基团(pK(a)<6)可能也可能对hERG的抑制作用有很大贡献,而亲脂性的作用取决于化合物的电离状态,log P的影响按碱基>两性离子的顺序降低>中性>酸。鉴于其强大的性能和清晰的理化解释,拟议的模型可能会提供有价值的信息,将药物开发工作引向降低hERG相关心脏毒性风险的化合物。



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