首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics >Computing Lyapunov constants for random recurrences with smooth coefficients

Computing Lyapunov constants for random recurrences with smooth coefficients


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In recent years, there has been much interest in the growth and decay rates (Lyapunov constants) of solutions to random recurrences such as the random Fibonacci sequence x_(n+1) = ±x_n±x_(n-1). Many of these problems involve nonsmooth dynamics (nondifferentiable invariant measures), making computations hard. Here, however, we consider recurrences with smooth random coefficients and smooth invariant measures. By computing discretised invariant measures and applying Richardson extrapolation, we can compute Lyapunov constants to 10 digits of accuracy. In particular, solutions to the recurrence x_(n+1) = x_n + c_(n+1)x_(n-1), where the {c_n} are independent standard normal variables, increase exponentially (almost surely) at the asymptotic rate (1.0574735537…)~n. Solutions to the related recurrences x_(n+1) = c_(n+1)x_n + x_(n-1) and x_(n+1) = c_(n+1)x_n + d_(n+1)x_(n-1) (where the {d_n} are also independent standard normal variables) increase (decrease) at the rates (1.1149200917…)~n and (0.9949018837…)~n, respectively.
机译:近年来,人们对诸如随机斐波那契数列x_(n + 1)=±x_n±x_(n-1)之类的随机递归的增长率和衰减率(Lyapunov常数)引起了极大的兴趣。这些问题中有许多涉及不平稳的动力学(不可微的不变测度),使计算变得困难。但是,在这里,我们考虑具有平滑随机系数和平滑不变度量的递归。通过计算离散不变度量并应用Richardson外推法,我们可以将Lyapunov常数计算为10位精度。特别是递归x_(n + 1)= x_n + c_(n + 1)x_(n-1)的解(其中{c_n}是独立的标准正态变量)以渐近速率指数增长(几乎确定) (1.0574735537…)〜n。相关递归x_(n + 1)= c_(n + 1)x_n + x_(n-1)和x_(n + 1)= c_(n + 1)x_n + d_(n + 1)x_( n-1)(其中{d_n}也是独立的标准正态变量)分别以(1.1149200917…)〜n和(0.9949018837…)〜n的速率增加(减少)。



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