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Traumatic cataract and other adverse events with the implantable contact lens.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the surgical outcome and adverse events associated with implantation of the implantable contact lens (ICL) for the correction of high myopia or high hyperopia. SETTING: Helsinki University Eye Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. METHODS: In this nonrandomized prospective clinical trial, the ICL V4 was implanted in 26 eyes of 13 patients with normal enrollment criteria (younger than 45 years, a clinically clear crystalline lens) (Group 1) and the V2, V3, or V4 were implanted in 38 eyes of 22 patients with heterogeneous criteria (older than 45 years or opacities in the crystalline lens) (Group 2). The main outcome measures were lens opacity classification system (LOCS II) assessment and transparency analysis of the lens. RESULTS: In Group 1, microdensitometric assessment showed no decrease in crystalline lens transparency and no statistically significant increase in crystalline lens density at any follow-up examination (P>.05). The incidence of anterior subcapsular (AS) opacities was 7.7%, and no eye developed clinically significant cataract during the mean follow-up of 13.2 months +/- 12.3 (SD). No myopic eye lost a line of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA); 50.0% of hyperopic eyes lost 1 line of BCVA. Sixty-eight percent of myopic eyes and 75.0% of hyperopic eyes were within +/-1.0 diopter of the predicted refraction. In Group 2, the incidence of AS opacities was 47.4% and 10 eyes (26.3%) developed clinically significant cataract during the mean follow-up of 30.9 +/- 18.0 months. The visual and refractive results were similar to those in Group 1 at 1 month, but due to progressive AS opacities in the crystalline lens, 23.4% of eyes lost BCVA lines during the follow-up. Intraoperative complications were few and insignificant. CONCLUSIONS: Implantation of the ICL for correction of high myopia or high hyperopia appears to be a safe procedure with good visual and refractive results immediately. There was no decrease in the transparency or increase in the density of the crystalline lens with the latest generation of the ICL device in the normal group, indicating enhanced safety. Progressive lens opacification in the heterogeneous group shows there are risk factors for cataract formation; ie, type V3 ICL, preexisting lens opacities, and older patient age. Anterior subcapsular opacities are most likely the result of trauma.
机译:目的:评估与植入式隐形眼镜(ICL)相关的手术结果和不良事件,以矫正高度近视或高度远视。地点:芬兰赫尔辛基赫尔辛基大学眼科医院。方法:在这项非随机前瞻性临床试验中,将ICL V4植入了13例入组标准正常(年龄小于45岁,临床晶状体清晰的晶体)的26眼中(第1组),并植入了V2,V3或V4在22例具有不同标准(年龄大于45岁或晶状体混浊)的患者的38眼中(第2组)。主要结果指标是晶状体混浊度分类系统(LOCS II)评估和晶状体透明性分析。结果:在第1组中,在任何后续检查中,微光密度评估均未显示晶状体透明性降低,且晶状体密度没有统计学上的显着增加(P> .05)。在平均13.2个月+/- 12.3(SD)的随访中,前囊膜混浊(AS)混浊的发生率为7.7%,并且没有眼睛出现临床上显着的白内障。没有近视眼会丧失最佳矫正视力(BCVA)系列; 50.0%的远视眼失去了1行BCVA。 68%的近视眼和75.0%的远视眼在预测屈光度的+/- 1.0屈光度以内。在第2组中,AS混浊的发生率为47.4%,平均随访30.9 +/- 18.0个月,有10眼(26.3%)出现了临床上显着的白内障。 1个月时的视觉和屈光结果与第1组相似,但由于晶状体进行性AS混浊,在随访期间有23.4%的眼睛失去了BCVA系。术中并发症少且可忽略。结论:植入ICL矫正高度近视或高度远视看来是一种安全的方法,可立即获得良好的视觉和屈光效果。正常组中最新一代的ICL器件的透明性没有降低,或者晶状体的密度没有增加,表明安全性得到了提高。异质性组的进行性晶状体混浊表明存在白内障形成的危险因素。即V3 ICL型,晶状体混浊和患者年龄较大。前囊膜混浊很可能是外伤的结果。



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