首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Oncology >Ephraim McDowell, the first ovariotomy, and the birth of abdominal surgery.

Ephraim McDowell, the first ovariotomy, and the birth of abdominal surgery.

机译:以法莲·麦克道威尔(Ephraim McDowell),第一次进行卵巢切除术,并进行了腹部手术。

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In February 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born on his father's farm at Knob's Creek near present day Hodgenville, Kentucky. Most historians agree that no president is more esteemed or revered than Lincoln, and certainly few events could compete with the significance of Lincoln's birth, the bicentenary of which we celebrate this year. However, in December of the same year, in a small frontier town less than 70 mile.s from Lincoln's birthplace, Ephraim McDowell undertook the world's first ovariotomy. In doing so, the field of abdominal surgery was born. Legend has it that a surly crowd gathered outside McDowell's home during the operation and waited to hang him on his patient's certain death.
机译:1809年2月,亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)出生于他父亲父亲在肯塔基州霍根维尔附近的诺伯河(Knob's Creek)上的农场。大多数历史学家都认为,没有哪个总统比林肯总统更受人尊敬或受人尊敬,当然,很少有事件可以与林肯总统诞辰的意义相提并论。然而,同年12月,在距离林肯出生地不到70英里的一个边境小城镇,以法莲·麦克道威尔(Ephraim McDowell)进行了世界上第一例卵巢切除手术。这样,腹部外科领域诞生了。传说手术中有一群顽皮的人群聚集在麦克道威尔家门外,等待将其吊死。



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