首页> 外文期刊>Journal of combinatorial optimization >The paths embedding of the arrangement graphs with prescribed vertices in given position

The paths embedding of the arrangement graphs with prescribed vertices in given position


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Let n and k be positive integers with n - k ≥ 2. The arrangement graph An,k is recognized as an attractive interconnection networks. Let x, y, and z be three different vertices of An,k. Let l be any integer with dAn,k (x, y) ≤ l ≤ n! (n-k)! - 1 - dAn,k (y, z). We shall prove the following existance properties of Hamiltonian path: (1) for n-k ≥ 3 or (n, k) = (3, 1), there exists a Hamiltonian path R(x, y, z; l) from x to z such that dR(x,y,z;l)(x, y) = l; (2) for n-k = 2 and n ≥ 5, there exists a Hamiltonian path R(x, y, z; l) except for the case that x, y, and z are adjacent to each other.
机译:令n和k为n-k≥2的正整数。布置图An,k被认为是有吸引力的互连网络。令x,y和z为An,k的三个不同顶点。令l为dAn,k(x,y)≤l≤n的任何整数! (n-k)! -1-dAn,k(y,z)。我们将证明哈密顿路径的以下存在性:(1)对于nk≥3或(n,k)=(3,1),存在从x到z的哈密顿路径R(x,y,z; l)这样dR(x,y,z; l)(x,y)= l; (2)对于n-k = 2且n≥5,除了x,y和z彼此相邻的情况之外,存在哈密顿路径R(x,y,z; l)。



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