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Rapid DNA-based identification of wheat and barley varieties


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Micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis methodology was developed to analyse grain DNA composition, thus to provide unequivocal distinction between varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). This Lab-on-a-chip technology complements protein composition analysis by micro-fluidic capillary electrophoresis, which is already in routine use for variety identification. Whereas it had been difficult to distinguish between some varieties by protein analysis using the Lab-on-a-chip system, distinctions proved to be possible using a combination of DNA extraction and microsatellite analysis, taking advantage of the speed and convenience of DNA chips. Several combinations of microsatellites permitted the DNA analysis system to provide distinction between two wheat varieties and between all but two (Chebec and Schooner) of the main eleven Australian barley varieties (Arapiles, Baudin, Barque, Chebec, Gairdner, Grimmett, Lindwall, Parwan, Schooner, Skiff and Sloop).
机译:开发了微流体毛细管电泳方法来分析谷物的DNA组成,从而在小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)和大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)的品种之间提供了明确的区分。这项片上实验室技术通过微流态毛细管电泳对蛋白质成分分析进行了补充,该技术已在常规中用于品种鉴定。尽管使用芯片实验室系统通过蛋白质分析很难区分某些品种,但结合DNA提取和微卫星分析,利用DNA芯片的速度和便利性,证明可以实现区分。微卫星的几种组合使DNA分析系统能够区分两个小麦品种,以及除澳大利亚11个主要大麦品种(Arapiles,Baudin,Barque,Chebec,Gairdner,Grimmett,Lindwall,Parwan, Schooner,Skiff和Sloop)。



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