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Re-evaluating the treatment of nongonococcal urethritis: emphasizing emerging pathogens--a randomized clinical trial.


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BACKGROUND: Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is a common chlamydia-associated syndrome in men; however, Trichomonas vaginalis and Mycoplasma genitalium are associated with its etiology and should be considered in approaches to therapy. We sought to determine whether the addition of tinidazole, an anti-trichomonal agent, to the treatment regimen would result in higher cure rates than those achieved with treatment with doxycycline or azithromycin alone. A secondary aim was to compare the efficacy of doxycycline therapy and with that of azithromycin therapy. METHODS: Randomized, controlled, double-blinded phase IIB trial of men with NGU. Participants were randomized to receive doxycycline plus or minus tinidazole or azithromycin plus or minus tinidazole and were observed for up to 45 days. RESULTS: The prevalences of Chlamydia trachomatis, M. genitalium, and T. vaginalis were 43%, 31%, and 13%, respectively. No pathogens were identified in 29% of participants. Clinical cure rates at the first follow-up visit were 74.5% (111 of 149 patients) for doxycycline-containing regimens and 68.6% (107 of 156 patients) for azithromycin-containing regimens. By the final visit, cure rates were 49% (73 of 149 patients) for doxycycline-containing regimens and 43.6% (68 of 156 patients) for azithromycin-containing regimens. There were no significant differences in clinical response rates among the treatment arms. However, the chlamydia clearance rate was 94.8% (55 of 58 patients) for the doxycycline arm and 77.4% (41 of 53 patients) for the azithromycin arm (P = .011), and the M. genitalium clearance rate was 30.8% (12 of 39 patients) for the doxycycline arm and 66.7% (30 of 45 patients) for the azithromycin arm (P = .002). CONCLUSIONS: Addition of tinidazole to the treatment regimen did not result in higher cure rates but effectively eradicated trichomonas. Clinical cure rates were not significantly different between patients treated with doxycycline and those treated with azithromycin; however, doxycycline had significantly better efficacy against Chlamydia, whereas azithromycin was superior to doxycycline for the treatment of M. genitalium.
机译:背景:非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)是男性常见的衣原体相关综合征。然而,阴道毛滴虫和生殖支原体与其病因有关,应在治疗方法中加以考虑。我们试图确定,与单独用强力霉素或阿奇霉素治疗相比,在治疗方案中添加替硝唑(抗毛滴虫剂)是否会导致更高的治愈率。第二个目的是比较强力霉素和阿奇霉素的疗效。方法:NGU男性的随机,对照,双盲IIB期临床试验。参与者被随机分配接受强力霉素加或减替硝唑或阿奇霉素加或减替硝唑治疗,并观察长达45天。结果:沙眼衣原体,生殖器支原体和阴道炎支原体的患病率分别为43%,31%和13%。在29%的参与者中未发现病原体。首次接受随访的临床治愈率为含强力霉素的方案为74.5%(149例中的111例)和含阿奇霉素的方案为68.6%(156例中的107例)。最终访问时,含多西环素的治疗治愈率为49%(149例中的73例),含阿奇霉素的治愈率为43.6%(156例中的68例)。治疗组之间的临床反应率无显着差异。然而,强力霉素组的衣原体清除率为94.8%(58例中的55例),阿奇霉素组的衣原体清除率为77.4%(53例中的41例)(P = .011),生殖器支原体的清除率为30.8%(58.5%)。强力霉素组占39例中的12例,阿奇霉素组占66.7%(45例中的30例)(P = .002)。结论:在治疗方案中加入替硝唑不会提高治愈率,但可以有效根除滴虫。强力霉素和阿奇霉素治疗的临床治愈率无明显差异。然而,强力霉素对衣原体的疗效要好得多,而阿奇霉素在生殖器支原体的治疗中优于强力霉素。



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