首页> 外文期刊>Journal of child and family studies >Bound to Feel Bad About Oneself: Relations Between Attachment and the Self-conscious Emotions of Guilt and Shame in Children and Adolescents

Bound to Feel Bad About Oneself: Relations Between Attachment and the Self-conscious Emotions of Guilt and Shame in Children and Adolescents


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Two cross-sectional studies were conducted to explore the relationship between attachment and the selfconscious emotions of guilt and shame in childhood. Study 1 was performed in non-clinical children aged 9-13 years (N = 688) who completed a single-item measure of attachment style and a vignette-based instrument for assessing guilt and shame. Results showed that children who classified themselves as insecurely attached displayed higher levels of shame and maladaptive types of guilt as compared to securely attached children. Study 2 was conducted in adolescents aged 12-18 years (N = 135), of whom the majority was referred to a clinical setting because of externalizing problems. Adolescents filled in a dimensional scale for measuring attachment quality to parents and peers and the above mentioned vignette-based instrument of guilt and shame. It was found that the clinical adolescents generally exhibited lower levels of self-conscious emotions as compared to non-clinical adolescents. Within this clinical group, communication to parents and peers was associated with higher levels of self-conscious emotions, and alienation was accompanied by higher levels of maladaptive forms of guilt and shame. Altogether, these results fit with the theory that attachment (in)security is involved in people's proneness to experience self-conscious emotions.
机译:进行了两项横断面研究,以探讨依恋与儿童内感和羞耻感之间的关系。研究1是在9-13岁(N = 688)的非临床儿童中进行的,他们完成了单项依恋风格的测量和基于晕影的工具来评估罪恶感和耻辱感。结果表明,与安全依恋的孩子相比,归类为不安全依恋的孩子表现出更高的羞耻感和适应不良类型的内types感。研究2是在12至18岁(N = 135)的青少年中进行的,由于外在性问题,其中大多数被转诊至临床。青少年用尺寸标尺填充,以测量对父母和同伴的依恋质量,以及上述基于小插图的内和羞耻感。已经发现,与非临床青少年相比,临床青少年通常表现出较低水平的自我意识情绪。在该临床组中,与父母和同伴的交流与更高水平的自我意识情感相关,而疏远伴随着更高水平的内lad不适感和愧sha感。总而言之,这些结果与以下理论相吻合:依恋(参与)安全与人们倾向于体验自我意识的情绪有关。



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