首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomolecular screening: The official journal of the Society for Biomolecular Screening >Development of Homogeneous Nonradioactive Methyltransferase and Demethylase Assays Targeting Histone H3 Lysine 4

Development of Homogeneous Nonradioactive Methyltransferase and Demethylase Assays Targeting Histone H3 Lysine 4


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Histone posttranslational modifications are among the epigenetic mechanisms that modulate chromatin structure and gene transcription. Histone methylation and demethylation are dynamic processes controlled respectively by histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and demethylases (HDMs). Several HMTs and HDMs have been implicated in cancer, inflammation, and diabetes, making them attractive targets for drug therapy. Hence, the discovery of small-molecule modulators for these two enzyme classes has drawn significant attention from the pharmaceutical industry. Herein, the authors describe the development and optimization of homogeneous LANCE Ultra and AlphaLISA antibody-based assays for measuring the catalytic activity of two epigenetic enzymes acting on lysine 4 of histone H3: SET7/9 methyltransferase and LSD1 demethylase. Both the SET7/9 and LSD1 assays were designed as signal-increase assays using biotinylated peptides derived from the N-terminus of histone H3. In addition, the SET7/9 assay was demonstrated using full-length histone H3 protein as substrate in the AlphaLISA format. Optimized assays in 384-well plates are robust (Z′ factors ≥0.7) and sensitive, requiring only nanomolar concentrations of enzyme and substrate. All assays allowed profiling of known SET7/9 and LSD1 inhibitors. The results demonstrate that the optimized LANCE Ultra and AlphaLISA assay formats provide a relevant biochemical screening approach toward the identification of small-molecule inhibitors of HMTs and HDMs that could lead to novel epigenetic therapies.
机译:组蛋白翻译后修饰是调节染色质结构和基因转录的表观遗传机制之一。组蛋白甲基化和脱甲基化是分别由组蛋白甲基转移酶(HMT)和脱甲基酶(HDM)控制的动态过程。几种HMT和HDM与癌症,炎症和糖尿病有关,使其成为药物治疗的有吸引力的靶标。因此,对于这两种酶类别的小分子调节剂的发现引起了制药工业的极大关注。本文中,作者描述了基于均相LANCE Ultra和基于AlphaLISA抗体的测定方法的开发和优化,用于测定作用于组蛋白H3赖氨酸4的两种表观遗传酶的催化活性:SET7 / 9甲基转移酶和LSD1脱甲基酶。 SET7 / 9和LSD1分析均被设计为使用源自组蛋白H3 N末端的生物素化肽的信号增强分析。此外,使用全长组蛋白H3蛋白作为AlphaLISA格式的底物证明了SET7 / 9分析的正确性。在384孔板中进行优化的测定具有鲁棒性(Z'因子≥0.7)且灵敏度高,仅需纳摩尔浓度的酶和底物即可。所有测定均允许分析已知的SET7 / 9和LSD1抑制剂。结果表明,优化的LANCE Ultra和AlphaLISA分析形式提供了相关的生化筛选方法,用于鉴定HMT和HDM的小分子抑制剂,这些抑制剂可能导致新的表观遗传学治疗。


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